Fingercut (Harry)

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"Hey Louis we ran out of eggs and i want to make a cake, could you maybe go to the store real quick?" I asked louis who sat down in the livingroom. It was a rainy day and both of us didnt want to go out, but i just can't sit for a long time so i decided to bake something.

"Sure hazz, need anything else?" He asked me and i shook my head but of course he couldnt see that "nope, thanks babe" i yelled back since the distance was a bit far and i was too lazy to walk to him.

Not even 5 minutes later i heard him open and close the door, seeing him driving away in the black Range Rover.

I just setted up some stuff and wanted to cut some things for dinner already, since i had to wait to make our dessert. We would eat pasta and i always make it all myself like the vegetables. So i grapped some tomatoes, garlic and stuff like that.

I was just cutting the last leeks when my knife broke, making me jump up and cutting myself in my fingers. I yelped in pain and quickly rushed to the sink, not looking at the blood.

I really dont like blood, when i was younger i got an vaccination and passed out by seeing one drop of blood. I really wished louis would come home soon.

After a minute or some i made my way to the kitchen cabinets and grapped an towel, wrapping it around my hand hissing in pain. Tears stood in my eyes but i blinked them away, i almost never cry, so it was a bit suprising for myself.

I thanked god when i finally heard louis pull up in our driveway and hearing him open the door "harry im home!" He happy yelled and normally i would smile at him like a idiot, but i was in a lot of pain.

"Hazz?" He now came into the kitchen and glanced at me and the towel around my hand and i couldn't hold it anymore

"L-louis it h-hurts so much" i sobbed and he rushed towards me

"What's happened love, did you cut youreself?" He asked and i nodded

"The knife broke when i was cutting vegetables" i mumbled and layed my head in the crook of his neck

"Let me look at it love, you dont have to look if you dont want, i know how much you hate to see blood" he slowly took the towel off my hand and gasped

"Nasty cut ya got there harry, i think we need to show it to the doctor"

In reflex i also looked at the cut and now it was my turn to gasp. My whole hand and a part of my wrist was covered in blood, with in my thump and index finger a cut. I regretted the fact i even looked cuz i started to feel lightheaded

"L-louis i dont f-feel good" i stuttered and grapped his shoulder trying to hold my balance

"Shit" he cursed and grapped a chair for me to sit on but it was too late. I felt so dizzy and wanted to close my eyes. Then everything went black...


I woke up seeing a white ceilling. I lifted my head to look around but felt dizzy so layed back again. I looked next to me to see a sleeping Louis, what had happened?

"Louis?" My voice croaked a bit but he heared me since his head shot up

"Harry youre awake! How are you feeling love?" He said and grapped my hand.

"A bit dizzy? What happened though?"

His eyes widened "you don't know? You cutted in you're fingers, look at you're hand" i looked at the hand where i didnt held louis his with and indeed, a white bandage was wrapped around my fingers and wrist. Then i remembered it again. I was cutting some vegetables and the knife broke.

"I remember it again" i said

His eyes teared up "i was scared harry, seeing you passed out at out kitchen floor" he sobbed. I wrapped my good arm around him and hold him tight.

"Its alright louis, sorry to scare you. But im okay now darling" i said and gave him a small smile.

At that moment a doctor came in "ah Mr. Styles i see you're awake. How are you feeling?"

I shrugged "a bit dizzy but mainly tired i think"

He nodded "the dizzyness is normal since you passed out and the tiredness is just due the situation." He began

"Let me look at you real quick and then you're able to go home, i advice you to come back in a week or something though, since we need to remove the stitches by then" he continued and walked to the bed to check me over

"It looks good Mr. Styles, youre free to go" he said so i stood up and grapped my coat, louis doing the same.

"That is no cooking for a couple of days" i sighed once we we're home

"Well nothing personal hazz but im looking forward to some pizza" he grinned and i shook my head, wondering how i got so lucky with him.

The rest of the days louis took good care of his husband, giving him lots of cuddles. And after two weeks, louis finally could enjoy harry's meals again.


Really cute right? Sorry lads im not a pro writer but i do me best! Hope you loved it, dont forget to vote! ❤

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