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My best friend Celine and I decided to go to Nick's game today. Gigi was busy as she had work.  The MCG was literally packed. Next to me was a guy I recognised but I just couldn't process his features.

"Madison? Oh, and Celine" He said. "James, from school" he chuckled. "Oh, right, you look so different" Celine laughed. "Ohh hey, James" I smiled. "You here alone?" I asked. "Yep," He said, nodding his head.

It was currently half time and Collingwood was winning St Kilda with a 10-point lead. The Saints were honestly playing good if I'm being honest. I just hope that Collingwood wins, though. Celine and I were just talking when suddenly there was a cheer. They were going around doing the Kiss Cam. Celine and I laughed and just continued talking.

Nick's POV:
"Oo my favourite time of the day," One of the players said, clapping his hands together. I looked up at the screen only for it to show the Kiss Cam. I chuckled. It was just a few people until Madison showed up on the screen. She was talking with her friend, Celine. They've been friends for ages.

I saw the guy next to her start pointing at her and doing a thumbs-up. He pointed to her lip or cheek and the crowd howled and scram when he pointed at her lips. I felt my chest tighten and I shaped my hand into a closed fist. Isaac came next to me and patted my back then whispered in my ear. "She would never" Isaac assured me.

Josh had come over to me, too. "Nick, just relax please mate we got a game to win sort this shit out after" He said in a low tone. The guy then cupped Madison's cheeks and used his other hand to grab her chin and pull her towards him then he immediately crashed his lips onto hers. I didn't know what happened after that because then the screen changed straight away.

Madison's POV:
I don't know what just happened, but the Kiss Cam happened. I was frozen then woke up to reality and jerked myself away from that idiot. "What the hell, James!" I scram but no one could hear because it was so loud. "What? Madison, I've always had the biggest crush on you and you know it, and I know that you like me too cutie" He said grabbing my hand.

I stood up and stood back. "Don't ever touch me again" I said storming away and Celine followed me. "Madison! I am so-" "Do not say you're sorry, Celine, it's not your fault, right now I just want to go home," I said holding back tears. "Hey, hey don't cry it's all going to be ok" she said embracing me in a tight hug. "Wait!" I said pulling back. "What if Nick saw!?" I cried. "No, no, it's ok he'll understand and you can tell him what happened" Celine reassured me. "But, what if it's not ok?!" I sighed. "Well then that's to comment about when it isn't ok" Celine smiled.

We stayed in the car for a bit then settled on heading to Celine's house.

Nick's POV:
We had won the Saints by a point or two, honestly, I didn't care. I was so angry that Prick and Madison had kissed. We had sung the song and I was about to leave. "Nick, promise me you won't do anything stupid" Josh said getting ahold of my wrist. I escaped his grip and looked at him. "Nick, promise me you won't do anything stupid" He repeated. "Leave me alone, Josh" I shrugged him off. "And I promise I guess" I mumbled. I then walked to my car and drove back home.

later that day
Madison's POV:
I walked into Nick's house as the door was opened. I locked the door behind me. "Nick?" I called for his name, no reply. "Nick?" I repeated, but still no reply. His car was out the front. So he had to be home, "Ever heard of knocking, Madison" He scoffed. "Nick-" "Madison, just leave, I don't want to hear about how you kissed that fucking guy, seriously Madison? Is this some kind of joke to you?" He said cutting me off and walking away from me back to my room.

My heart was about to sink. But I made sure it didn't and I tried talking to Nick. I walked to his bedroom and stood at the door. I knocked. "What do you want? I said for you to leave" He groaned. "Nick, I didn't kiss him!" I argued. "Sure" He laughed. "Nick did you not see how he turned my head around and kissed me?" I said. "Yeah, but what about after that?" He said. "I left the game and told him not to touch me or some shit like that, Nick I would never do that to you" I sighed whilst explaining. "So I'm sorry if I did something wrong" I added.

"I'm sorry for blaming you Mads, I should've listened to you and-" I walked over to him and kissed him. He kissed me back. "I love you" He smiled. "I love you too," I said, returning the smile as the grin grew across my face.

Ok so this is prolly the longest chapter I've ever written LMAOO
I hope u enjoyed it tho!


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