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Nick and I were heading to a restaurant as there was a dinner with Scott Pendleburry and his wife Alex, Jack (Crisp) and Mikayla, Josh and Annalise, Isaac, Jack (Ginnivan), and Nick and I.

Alex, with a warm smile, initiated the conversation, "You girls are coming to the grand finals this week, right?"

We all nodded enthusiastically, chiming in one by one, "Sure am!" "Of course!" "Yep!"

Alex chuckled, "Great! Then, I'll see you all there. " I just hope this baby stays in its place." Mikayla affectionately touched her baby bump, prompting laughter from the group.

Jack (crisp) joined in the laughter, adding, "I hope it does too because if that baby decides to come out, I'm staying to play!"

As the waiter approached, he presented a dish and assumed it was for Jack (Crisp). However, Jack quickly pointed to Mikayla, saying, "Nope, for my wife over there, mate. She's gotta eat for two." He winked.

Mikayla grinned, and soon our table was filled with delicious dishes.

Amidst the clinking of cutlery and laughter, Josh couldn't contain his amusement, saying, "Guys, you gotta hear this story." He looked around the table before continuing, "So, the other day, I was looking for my socks, my lucky socks, right? And guess who's wearing them? Crispy!"

"Oh my gosh, you and your lucky socks. He always turns the house upside down looking for them!" Annalise laughed in agreement. "Do you think they got luck?" Jack (Ginnivan) asked Josh, "Of course! Remember when we lost to Melbourne?! I didn't have my lucky socks!" Josh raised his eyebrows. "Sounds like an excuse to me," The boys laughed.

Josh couldn't resist sharing more, "What's even funnier is that I had to chase him around the whole oval!"

Scott chimed in, "And then Fly made them run another three laps because they were late." He playfully shook his head while wearing a smile.

Isaac added to the humor, saying, "The funniest part was at open training when that kid asked you, Scott, what it's like not being captain anymore."

Nick, clearly intrigued, raised his eyebrows, "No way!"

Scott recounted the amusing incident, "Yeah, and I told him, 'Oh, Darcy's a really good captain, and my time was over, but it's still good to be with the club.' I had no idea what else to reply with!"

As the evening concluded, Nick and I shared a tender moment in his driveway. "You have seats for this week?" Nick asked.

I nodded, smiling, "Yep, next to Annalise and the other partners."

Nick leaned over the console to kiss me, and as he slowly reversed, he called out, "Goodnight, love you."

I hopped out of the car, replying, "Goodnight, love you too."

Watching Nick drive off, I unlocked the door, completed my evening routine, and slid the covers over my body as I lay down, my head hitting the pillow. In no time, I was fast asleep.

hey guys
hope u enjoyed that ch so i won't be uploading later on and not tmr I'm so sorry it's only cs idk what to write b4 grannies maybe I can squeeze 2 ch in tmr cs I always do two a day like I said last time but yeah maybe but no promises def after grannies tho if not then the next day hope u enjoyed lol

have a good one

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