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skip to when madison should be due pretty soon... 

I had just settled into the comfort of our cozy living room when it happened—a sudden, unexpected gush of warm liquid that sent shockwaves of panic through my body. My heart raced as I realised what was occurring, and I knew there was no time to waste.

Nick was at footy training, miles away, and the reality of the situation hit me like a tidal wave. It was happening earlier than expected, and I found myself in a state of both excitement and apprehension.

With trembling hands, I reached for my phone and quickly dialed Celine's number. She was one of my closest friends, and I knew I could count on her in this moment of need. As the phone rang, each passing second felt like an eternity, and I prayed she would answer.

"Cel!" I exclaimed in a rushed and panicked tone as she picked up. "It's happening. My water just broke!"

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, followed by a flurry of reassurance from Celine. Her calm and steady voice was a lifeline in the midst of my chaos.

"Mads, don't worry. I'm on my way. Just hang in there, okay? You've got this."

I let out a shaky breath, relief washing over me as Celine's words of support filled my ears. I had faced many dramas in life, but this was a moment unlike any other—the arrival of our baby.

With my phone pressed to my ear, I scrambled to grab the hospital bag that Nick and I had prepared weeks ago. The drama of packing it suddenly seemed so trivial compared to the reality that I was about to become a mother.

Celine arrived with a flurry of excitement and nerves, her presence a soothing balm to my racing heart. We exchanged quick but meaningful glances, acknowledging the gravity of the situation as she helped me gather the bag and offered words of encouragement.

As we headed to the hospital, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions—fear, anticipation, and an overwhelming sense of love. The drama of this moment was unparalleled, and I knew that our lives were about to change in the most beautiful way.

Celine and I rushed through the hospital's automatic doors, the drama of the moment propelling us forward with a sense of urgency. The reception area was a whirlwind of activity, but the staff recognised our distress and quickly guided us to the maternity ward.

Every step felt like a marathon, my heart pounding in rhythm with the contractions that gripped my body. Celine's presence was a source of unwavering support, and I clung to her like a lifeline as we made our way to the labor and delivery room.

Inside, the drama of the sterile environment was punctuated by the gentle voices of the medical staff. They helped me into a hospital gown and onto the bed, preparing to monitor the progress of labor. The pain was intense, but I knew it was a necessary part of the journey.

As I lay in the hospital bed, clutching Celine's hand, the drama of the situation weighed heavily on my mind. I couldn't help but wonder if Nick would make it in time for the birth of our baby. The thought of him not being there for this momentous occasion was both heartbreaking and terrifying.

Celine, sensing my distress, took charge of the situation. She pulled out her phone and dialed Nick's number, her voice steady and reassuring as she explained the urgency of the situation. The drama of her words hung in the air, and I could only hope that Nick would receive the message in time.

"Nick said that his training is just near the hospital, and that they're finished so his on his way" Celine smiled as she looked at me. My grip on Celine's hand tightened as the intensity of the contractions surged through me. The drama of labor was reaching its peak, and I longed for Nick's presence more than ever.

Just as I began to doubt if he would make it in time, the door to the delivery room swung open, and there stood Nick, his face filled with a mix of awe and concern. The drama of his arrival felt like a lifeline, and my heart swelled with relief.

Nick rushed to my side, his hand finding mine in a comforting embrace. "You're doing amazing, Mads," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine pride and support. The drama of his words gave me renewed strength.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at Nick, the man I loved, the father of our baby. The drama of this moment was overwhelming, but with Nick by my side, I knew I could do it.

"You can do this," Nick repeated, his words a soothing mantra that carried me through the pain and uncertainty. His unwavering support and love were the pillars of strength I needed.

With each contraction, Nick was there, holding my hand, offering words of encouragement, and reminding me of the drama of our love—the unbreakable bond that had brought us to this point.

And then, with one final push, our baby boy entered the world, his cries filling the room with the sweetest music. The drama of his arrival was met with tears of joy and relief, and I knew that I had Nick to thank for his unwavering support.

As I held our son for the first time, I saw the same awe and wonder in Nick's eyes. The drama of becoming parents had forever changed us, and in that moment, our love and commitment to each other felt stronger than ever.

Nick leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "I'm so proud of you, Mads," he whispered, his voice filled with love and admiration. 

Nick's trembling hands reached out to cradle our baby boy for the first time, and the drama of the moment was overwhelming.

"He's perfect," Nick whispered, his voice filled with love and wonder as he gazed at our son's tiny face. The drama of his arrival had brought us all closer together, and in that moment, we were a family.

As Nick held our baby boy in his arms, the drama of the past hours seemed to fade away, replaced by a profound sense of love and connection. 


hey guys

so i ended up doing a time skip n ive come to the realisation that im acc closer than i thought to the end bc i cant really keep on dragging this out i could possibly but tbh my goal was to reach 100 ch n once i did im like oh how about 200 but umm isnt that a bit too much especially the situation im in rn w this happening like what else could i add. next ch out tn possibly pretty soon as im ab to start it when i finish this xx

have a good one

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