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I woke up and did my hair, and my morning routine. I headed downstairs and saw Buddy. I forgot we had a pet. "Mads, your taking Buddy for a walk" Maleki said. "Everyone has a day to walk Buddy, Maleki" Kendall corrected him. "And today's Mads' day" Kendall flashed a smile towards me. 

I slipped on my runners / sneakers then attached Buddy's leash on. I was waking Buddy but he kept going the opposite way, "No, Buddy, this way" I groaned as I gently dragged him the other way. 

Annalise's POV:

Rain always made me feel alive, invigorated by the way it washed away the remnants of the past. Today, however, the downpour seemed to mirror the storm brewing within me. I strode along the riverbank, my umbrella forgotten at home, my thoughts consumed by the persistent thorn in my side—Madison Daicos.

Ever since she entered the picture after Josh and I got back together, it was as if the world was bending over backward to accommodate her. 'Madison, the sister of Josh and Nick Daicos, Peter Daicos daughter, the AFL sensation', She had become a fixture at events and gatherings, drawing attention effortlessly since. But to me, she was nothing more than an interloper, a shadow attempting to steal Josh off of me, hand him over to probably some girl she has up her sleeve. 

As I walked, the image of Madison's serene smile haunted me. That smile, which she flashed as if she had earned the right to happiness. The thought irked me beyond words. The threats she had left me. Madison hadn't worked for her privileges; she was handed them on a silver platter by virtue of her last name.

A growl from a dog pulled me from my thoughts. 

I looked towards the dog, Nick's dog. I looked up, Madison Daicos. Great. 

"Annalise," Madison greeted me with feigned pleasantness. "Fancy seeing you here"

I clenched my teeth, keeping my tone sweet despite my frustration. "Madison."

My gaze bore into her, daring her to challenge me. Yet, there she stood, unfased by my hostility. How dare she be so composed in the face of my disdain?

Nick's low growl made it clear that even her dog wasn't on my side. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Madison, with her eternal patience and compassion, had somehow won over even the likes of his dog.

"Still relying on your little mutt for companionship?" I couldn't help but taunt, my words dripping with scorn.

Madison's composed exterior wavered for a split second, but it was enough to fuel my fire. She was too perfect, too put-together, and I was determined to knock her off her pedestal.

"Nick's dog has been a loyal friend, unlike some," Madison shot back, her tone biting.

Her words stung, but I refused to show weakness. "Loyalty is earned, not inherited."

Madison's cheeks reddened, and I felt a surge of triumph. Finally, a chink in her armor. I continued, my voice dripping with contempt, "You think you're something special just because you're a Daicos? Newsflash, Madison, you're just the flavour of the month."

"You're entitled to your opinion," she replied evenly, her voice masking her emotions.

"Opinion?" I laughed, the sound bitter. "It's not an opinion, sweetheart. It's a fact." I was done of caring about who Madison was to me. No matter who she was related to. Enough is enough. 

As Madison turned to walk away, The dogs eyes locked onto me, as if accusing me of something unspeakable. I had underestimated their bond, and that realisation only fueled my anger further.

"Running away, Madison?" I taunted.

Madison halted, her back rigid. Slowly, she turned around, her gaze fiery. "No, Annalise. Walking away from toxicity."

"Actually, how about we walk together?" Madison snickered at me. 

"I'm good, thanks but no thanks" I turned down the offer. 

"Hey guys" Mads, Nick's girlfriend greeted us. "Hey Mads, lets go walk" Madison beat me to it. 

"I wish- But Kendall's waiting at home for me" Mads smiled. Why's Mads suddenly acting all nice to Madison?

"Look, guys, let's make things right. Even if you don't like each other, just pretend, please" Mads begged. As Madison and Mads turned around. 

No one's POV:

Mads pulled Madison aside for a chat. 

"Look, girl to girl, whats going on?"

Madison sighed, her shoulders slumping. "It's just been... difficult."

Mads nodded understandingly. "I get it. But have you ever thought about finding a way to resolve it?"

Madison's brow furrowed. "How can you bridge a gap that seems to widen every time we cross paths?"

Mads' smile was gentle. "By finding common ground. Trust me, Madison, there's always something that can bring people together."

Madison considered his words, a glimmer of hope stirring within her. "And what if she's not interested in finding common ground?"

Mads'  expression turned thoughtful. "Then maybe it's up to us to show her that there's more to our relationship than just clashes."

Madison's gaze wandered to the floor, She thought about the terms she and Annalise have been on, could there be a chance for them to move beyond that?

Mads' voice brought her back to the present. "Why don't we all sit down, have a talk? You, me, and Annalise. Maybe if we all put our cards on the table, we can understand each other better."

Madison hesitated, her mind racing. The idea seemed both hopeful but terrifying. She knew it wouldn't be an easy conversation, but if Mads believed it was possible, maybe it was worth a shot.

"Alright," Madison said, determination settling in her voice. "Let's give it a try."

Mads' smile brightened. "Great. I'll talk to Annalise and see if she's on board. Maybe we can meet somewhere neutral, like that cafe downtown."

Madison nodded, a sense of purpose guiding her now. "Thank you, Mads. For caring enough to help."

Mads patted her shoulder reassuringly. "We're all a team, Madison. Nick's family, Annalise is a part of our circle, and we need to find a way to make it work."

Before they all knew it, everyone was finally all on good terms. At least thats what they all thought. Madison and Annalise may have some tension between them, but they need to hide it. For the sake of Josh, and everyone else. Hopefully they won't need to hide something that won't happen. 


hey guys

prolly my longest chapter yet ahah nah but hope u enjoyed sorry is its boring or anything 

have a good oneeee 🫶🏽

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