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A few months later... 

The gathering was filled with laughter and the lively chatter of friends and family, a warmth that enveloped the room in a comforting embrace. As the evening unfolded, we found ourselves surrounded by the familiar faces of those who had been part of our journey—friends and relatives whose bonds had grown alongside ours.

Amidst the joyous ambiance, Annalise and Josh, Nick's brother, exchanged a conspiratorial glance, a secret shared between them. The air was charged with a subtle excitement as they took center stage, capturing the attention of the gathering.

"Hey, everyone," Josh began, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. Annalise stood beside him, her eyes sparkling with a mix of happiness and anticipation.

Nick and I exchanged curious glances, sensing that something special was about to unfold. The room hushed as all eyes turned toward Josh and Annalise.

"We've got some exciting news to share," Annalise announced, her voice carrying a hint of joy that resonated through the room.

A murmur of anticipation swept through the gathering as friends and family leaned in, eager to hear the revelation. The air seemed to shimmer with the promise of a new chapter.

With a shared smile, Josh and Annalise delivered the news that would add another layer to the tapestry of our shared experiences. "We're expecting a baby!" Josh exclaimed, the words hanging in the air like a burst of confetti.

The room erupted in cheers and applause, the news of impending parenthood sending ripples of happiness through the crowd. Hugs and congratulations were exchanged as the reality of the announcement sank in.

Nick and I, standing side by side, shared a glance filled with delight. The joy of our expanding family mirrored in the excitement of Josh and Annalise's announcement, creating an atmosphere of shared happiness.

As the celebration continued, the gathering transformed into a chorus of laughter, well-wishes, and shared anticipation for the future. The air was filled with a sense of unity and the beauty of interconnected lives, each person present contributing to the rich tapestry of our shared moments.

In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of our loved ones, we revelled in the beauty of family and the anticipation of new beginnings. The announcement became a symbol of the ever-expanding circle of love that defined our lives—a reminder that, in every joyous revelation, our bonds grew stronger, and our shared journey continued to unfold. 

hey guys 
y r these so crap omd lets js ignore that the fact its a whole shitthouse rn but wtv thanks 

have a good one 

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