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I was walking as I was on my morning walk when I saw a familiar face. I kept walking and pretended not to see them, but I looked up to see if they had seen me, and they did. So I smiled.

It would've been a bit awkward if we saw each other. "Oh, Mads, hey!" She called. "Oh, Sierra. What a coincidence" I hugged her. "How are you?" She asked. "Good thanks, you?" I smiled. "That's good. I'm not too bad." She returned the smile. Sierra was Maleki's ex-girlfriend. She was a beautiful and kind girl. She was always happy, and she was always smiling.

"I went to your house the other day and I didn't see you" She said. "I, uh, long story short I moved out" I smiled. I didn't want to get into detail. "Kendall invited me over, she said something along the lines of that you moved out" Sierra told me. "What'd she say?" I curiously asked. "She said that you apparently were accusing her of something so you left and haven't spoken since" Sierra replied. I raised my eyebrows, "Kendall said that?"

"Yep" Sierra confirmed. "I'm not like Kendall. I'm not dog like that. But, that, yeah that, didn't happen" I shook my head. "Oh no, would you look at the time! I better get going" I fake gasped. "As always, it was lovely seeing you" Sierra smiled. "Bye" we had both waved at each other as we were off into our seperate directions.


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Liked by sierrabentley and 902 others

kendallmercer: sister i never had 🫶🏽

sierrabentley: ❤️

malekimercer: wtf bro

damienmercer: check ur msgs

user373: her likes went down and no comment from Annalise Madison or anyone?? Something going on!?!

user658: oh.

user910: whose she and wtf is the captionnn she lit has a sister.
... user484: I'm lit js as confused as u r

user474: no one like this naked rats post.
... user737: DEADDD

Mads POV:

I was at home watching a movie when I heard the doorbell ring. It was 9:48pm so who could possibly be knocking on my door at this hour?

Assuming it was most likely Nick, I opened the door to be revealed to... Josiah? 

"Josiah?" I had repeated my thoughts. "Madison" He spoke. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I uh, heard what happened" He cleared his throat. What was up with me and my siblings exes today?

Josiah and Kendall went way back. They broke up, well, because Josiah and Kendall's breakup had been a stormy affair that left scars on both of them. It happened on a chilly autumn evening, their voices rising in a heated argument that echoed through the quiet neighbourhood. The relationship had been strained for a while, their differences growing too vast to bridge. Hurtful words were exchanged, trust shattered, and in a final moment of frustration, Josiah had walked away, leaving Kendall standing on her porch, tears streaming down her face. It was a painful end to a once passionate love, and the echoes of that breakup reverberated through their lives long after the tears had dried.

I had been the one that was there, standing on the balcony with her, and I was the one that helped her get through this. 
And now, Josiah was standing at my doorstep.

"I came to let you know that Kendall's looking for you" He told me, worry in his eyes. "She heard what you told Sierra, and everyone else. Someones telling her everything you're doing. Every move. She told me she'd check here now, I told her I'd come here and let her know. I'd never do that to you, though. You know Kendall better than anyone, but we both know she'd still come here trying to find you. It's not safe, Madison. Sierra didn't tell her. I think I might know who, but Kendall messaged me from her new phone saying she needs my help. Of course, she dragged me into this because I owed her for something. Please Madison, look after yourself." Josiah had just confessed to me that his ex, my sister, was coming for me?

As if I was scared of Kendall. "I don't care if she literally brung a whole army with her to here, thanks for the warning or whatever, but Kendall actually isn't scary. Bye." I shut the door in his face. Did I feel bad? No. 

I walked back to the couch and picked up my phone, checking my phone and the time had read 10:00pm, I was exhausted and settled on getting some sleep. I thought about messaging Nick, but I knew he would be so overprotective so before I knew it my eyelids and been shut and off to sleep I was. I was literally knocked out of tiredness. 


hey guys

soooo sorry i havent been uploading i had no idea what to do i was js in a writers block and i am acc also sorry if this is shit and if im js adding more characters but i hope u enjoyed anyways but yeah lol

have a good one

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