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As I entered the grand room where the dress fitting was taking place, I caught a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror. The gown was a masterpiece, a delicate creation of lace and silk that shimmered in the soft light. But as I stared at my reflection, all I could see was a stranger – a woman being forced into a life she never wanted.

My make-up, my hair, all for what? 

The seamstress bustled around me, pinning and adjusting, but I was lost in my own thoughts. The layers of fabric felt like layers of expectations, pressing down on me until I could hardly breathe. I thought of Charles, the man I was supposed to marry, and I felt a wave of anger so strong that it surprised even me. How had my life come to this? How had I become so entangled in a web of other people's desires?

My mother watched with a satisfied smile, oblivious to the storm that raged within me. She saw a successful arrangement, a merger of families, a step up the social ladder. But what she didn't see was the sacrifice I was making – the sacrifice of my own happiness, my own dreams, my own agency.

As the fitting came to an end, I stood before the mirror once more, this time looking not at the dress, but at myself. The reflection that stared back was a complex tangle of emotions – anger, sadness, fear, and a spark of determination. I knew that I couldn't change the past, but I could shape my future. And even though the path ahead seemed dark and uncertain, I was resolved to find a way to break free from the confines of my gilded cage.


The grand hall was a vision of opulence, the air heavy with the scent of fresh flowers and anticipation. I stood at the entrance, my heart pounding so loudly that I could almost drown out the melody of the orchestra playing a tune that felt like a dirge. The moment had arrived – the day of my arranged marriage to Charles.

As the doors swung open, I took a deep breath and began my slow descent down the aisle. My gaze remained fixed ahead, trying to block out the prying eyes and the sea of faces that watched me. I felt like a marionette, being paraded for the world to see. The weight of the wedding gown seemed to symbolise the burden I was carrying – the burden of tradition, of societal expectations, of a future I hadn't chosen.

Charles stood at the altar, his eyes fixed on me with a mixture of arrogance and satisfaction. My mother beamed beside him, her smile masking the truth behind this union. The ceremony moved forward as if in a haze, the words of the officiant a distant murmur. And then, the moment came – the moment when they asked if anyone objected.

Time seemed to stand still as the officiant's words hung in the air. And then, as if from a dream, the doors at the back of the hall burst open. There he was – Nick, disheveled and determined, his eyes locking onto mine. My heart leaped in my chest as he spoke those two words that changed everything.

"I object."

Gasps echoed throughout the hall as Nick strode forward, his gaze unwavering. He stood before the altar, his presence a thunderclap that shattered the façade of the perfect wedding. My mother's face paled, her carefully constructed world unraveling before her eyes.

Nick's voice was strong, carrying through the hall as he confessed the truth. He revealed how my mother had manipulated him, using my supposed mental health struggles as a ploy to break us apart. Every word he spoke was a hammer blow to the lies that had ensnared me, and I felt a mix of anger, betrayal, and a glimmer of hope.

"That's a lie!" My mother raised her voice. "Really, is it though?" My dad popped his head from behind her. "Micheal!" She said through gritted teeth, "what are you doing" She fake laughed. "I told Nick what happened. I told all of them. Celine, Gigi, Kendall, Damien, Maleki, Nick, Josh, all of the people Madison care about that you couldn't see she did. You were so busy trying to impress who? To get back at Colleen. Make her son crumble, I'm done and sick of standing by your side if you're just going to do this. Peter and I would play footy nearly everyday, and you made me stop because it was 'un-classy', you changed me. This isn't meant for me, or them. Arranging a marriage that shouldn't be arranged? Seriously. All these lies, rumours, it's not cool" My dad spoke. I smiled at my dad, who had always tried to be there for me. But my mum wouldn't let him. "You let mal and me slip away from your hold, and you kept ahold of Daz and Mads. You know that mum. I heard things I shouldn't of heard, and so I used them against you. Thats why you hated me and used the excuses of 'I don't want you to end up like your sister, Kendall', Madison is her own person, and I hope you know your probably messed up her life and also your stupid rich people status!" Kendall said. 

Nick turned to me, his eyes softening as he spoke with a vulnerability that I had never seen before. "Madison, I did what I thought was right, but I know now that I was wrong. I love you, and I will always love you. I'm here to support you, no matter what you choose."

Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of his words sank in. My mother's manipulation, her betrayal of my trust, it all became clear. The pain and confusion of the past months suddenly made sense, and in that moment, I felt a surge of anger at her deception.

Charles's face contorted with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. He turned to me, his voice tinged with impatience. "Madison, let's not make a spectacle of this. Say the words and let's move forward."

His words were like a slap in the face, and the remnants of the life I had thought I would have crumbled around me. But I wouldn't let him dictate my choices any longer.

I turned to Nick, his eyes a lifeline in the midst of the storm. With every step I took toward him, the weight on my shoulders seemed to lighten. As I reached his side, I looked back at Charles and my mother, both fading into the background of my consciousness.

And then, with a newfound sense of strength, I turned to face the officiant. "I object, too," I said firmly.

Gasps rippled through the crowd, and the hall seemed to hold its breath. I took Nick's hand in mine, our fingers intertwining, and I looked into his eyes with a mixture of determination and longing. "Nick, you were right. I can't let them dictate my life any longer."

His smile was like sunlight breaking through the clouds as he whispered, "We'll face whatever comes together."

As we kissed, a sense of liberation washed over me, like breaking free from chains that had held me captive for so long. The future was uncertain, but for the first time in a while, I felt in control of my own destiny. The journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but with Nick by my side and the truth at my back, I was ready to embrace it – whatever it may bring.


heyyyy guyssss

oh my fricken god my longest chapter ever and i hope u enjoyed omgggg

have a good one

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