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Today was the day, we were going to tell Nicks family that I was pregnant. Nick told the club at his post game meeting, but Josh wasn't inside because he wanted to tell his family seperate from his team. He wanted his family to be all together which I understand.

The club was so happy for Nick and I had received messages from the wives and girlfriends congratulating me and things like that.

My family and relatives knew because Mum had told them and they were so supportive. Mia was so happy for me, Maleki was a bit angry but then he let it go, though Damien and Kendall was all I didn't know about as we haven't spoken in ages.

... Nick and I were in the car driving to his parents house, I nervously bit my nails as Nick reassuringly squeezed my hand, telling me it'd be ok. I apologize for the earlier mistake in the names. Let me paint the scene again with the correct family members.

As Nick and I entered his parents' house, a wave of nervous excitement washed over me. I had rehearsed this moment in my mind countless times, but nothing could have prepared me for their actual reaction.

Nick's parents, were sitting in the living room, chatting animatedly. They looked up as we walked in, and there was an instant shift in the atmosphere. Their smiles widened when they saw us, but there was a curious glint in their eyes, as if they suspected something was up.

Nick cleared his throat, and I could feel my heart racing as he began to speak. "Umm, Mum, Dad, we have something important to share with you," he started, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

They had exchanged a quick, intrigued glance before nodding for us to continue.

Taking a deep breath, Nick grinned and looked at me. "We're going to have a baby," he announced, his eyes never leaving mine.

For a moment, there was silence in the room as his parents processed the news. Then, his mums eyes filled with tears of joy, and she jumped up from her seat to envelop us both in a warm, tearful hug. Nicks dad followed suit, shaking Nick's hand vigorously and clapping him on the back.

Colleen couldn't contain her emotions, exclaiming, "Oh, that's wonderful news! I'm going to be a grandma!" Her excitement was contagious, and soon the room was filled with laughter and happiness.

Josh and Annalise, who had arrived earlier, joined in the celebration. They congratulated us with broad smiles, and Annalise even offered to help with any baby-related preparations.

Madison who had been quietly observing, chimed in with her congratulations. She seemed genuinely thrilled for us, and it was clear that this news had brought the entire family together in a beautiful way.

As we all sat down to discuss our plans, share stories, and dream about the baby's future, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. This announcement had not only filled our hearts with joy but had also strengthened the bonds of our close-knit family. It was a day filled with love, acceptance, and the promise of a bright future ahead for all of us.

I was so happy that things had went according to plan, if you'd even put it in that way.

hey guys
sorry for the short ch I think that might be it for today not sure but also i forgot to say I liked Brisbane but now I love them I have some obsession now w them n their players like idec if they kicked us out of prelims but hopefully next yr is carltons yr anyways hope u enjoyed lol

have a good onen

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