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Madison had always admired the way Nick played, but there was something about watching him on the field during his game that made her heart swell with pride. Nick was a formidable athlete, and it was a privilege to be there to witness his achievements.

The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, with passionate fans cheering for the team. Noah, too young to understand the intricacies of the game, was happily clapping along with the crowd, his eyes filled with wonder.

As the game progressed, Madison couldn't help but notice the intense focus in Nick's eyes. He was giving it his all, determined to make this game count. However, as the match went on, frustration seemed to seep into his every move.

During a tense moment in the game, as the opposing team scored a critical goal, Nick made a critical mistake, which added to his growing frustration. It was the kind of error that players dreaded, the kind that could turn the tide of a game.

In the heat of the moment, Nick's disappointment got the better of him. Collingwood had just lost by a few points, and Nick wasn't happy one bit. He turned toward Madison, his expression clouded with irritation, and without thinking, he threw the car keys toward her. "Just go," he muttered.

Madison was taken aback by Nick's outburst. She clutched the car keys, her eyes welling up with a mixture of anger and hurt. The tears stung as she blinked them back. Nick had brushed by Madison and Noah. Madison herself was embarrassed and was all red, she didn't check if anyone was looking and immediately walked off.

As Madison gathered her things to leave the stadium, she held a fussy Noah even closer to her chest. Her heart was still racing from the heated exchange with Nick, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and sadness.

As she made her way through the bustling crowd toward the exit, a player from the opposing team took notice of her. He had a smug grin on his face, emboldened by the victory his team had just achieved. Madison could sense his approach, and his intentions were clear. He was trying to hit on her.

The player struck up a conversation, offering compliments and trying to engage Madison in small talk. But her tolerance for such advances was at an all-time low, and she didn't hesitate to put him in his place. "I'm not interested," she said tersely, her tone leaving no room for further discussion.

Despite the player's persistence, Madison continued to walk faster, determined to distance herself from this unwanted attention. She held Noah even tighter, her protective instincts kicking into high gear.

Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions, from her frustration with Nick's outburst to this unwanted encounter. As she finally reached the exit, she took a deep breath of fresh air, grateful to be away from the suffocating atmosphere inside.

With her focus solely on her son and the overwhelming emotions of the evening, Madison didn't notice the player's disappointed expression as he watched her walk away. She had weathered enough storms for one night and needed to find solace away from the stadium.

Madison hurriedly made her way to where she had parked her car, a mixture of anger and sadness swirling inside her. As she carefully secured Noah in his car seat, her thoughts were consumed by the events of the evening.

The encounter with the player from the opposing team had only added to her frustration. She couldn't understand why some people seemed to think it was acceptable to approach a woman, especially one with a baby, in such an intrusive manner. All she had wanted was a quiet escape from the turmoil of her argument with Nick.


hey guys

alr had this written hope u enjoyed it lmk what u think x 

have a good one 

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