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Nick's POV:

I got home, and Madison wasn't home. 

I slammed the front door behind me and flopped onto the couch. I wish I never stuffed up. I was angry from the game, I wanted to impress Mads. Even if Noah didn't get the game, it would still be better if we won. 

I then remembered what Isaac and Jack had said. The truth was, I was jealous of the relationship they both had with Madison. 

No one's POV:

Nick of course wasn't in his right state of mind. He opened his phone and had dialled Gigi's number. 

"Nick?" Gigi confusingly spoke, unaware why the boy was calling her. "Um, Hey Gigi. Is Madison with you?" Nick asked. "Ugh, what did you do?" She has groaned, knowing something was up. 

"I'll take that as a no?" Nick replied, "I don't know if I should tell you, depends on what you did..." Gigi said, fully aware that her best friend wasn't at her house. "Wait, if she's not with you then where the fuck is she!?" Gigi snapped, "Please let me explain" Nick sighed. Gigi stayed silent, it was a painful silence for the girl. 

She was worried about her best friend, so she wanted Nick to hurry up. As Nick explained the story Gigi sent multiple messages to Madison, asking if she was ok. Asking Celine, even Kendall if Madison was with them. Luckily, Kendall had replied. But then Gigi heard something in Nick's explanation. "You threw fucking keys at her!?" She raised her voice, "No, yes, No! Yes, I did but please, please! I just want help!!" Nick begged. 

As he continued to explain Gigi raised her eyebrows as he spoke through her phone's speaker. "Listen here Nick, Mads can be friends with whoever the fuck she wants! You don't get to decide what she does, you've hurt her enough. Seriously Nick? Grow up. You have a fucking son! You have no idea where she is, you literally threw fucking keys at her? Yet, you're still complaining and telling me to tell her that she shouldn't be friends with Isaac and Jack?" She scoffed, repeating what he had said. "Please! I just don't want her to be friends with Isaac and Jack!" He begged. 

"This is a side to you that I never knew, Nick. Maybe you aren't the one for her" Gigi shook her head as she hung up.

The weight of Gigi's words hung heavily in the air as the call ended. Nick found himself alone, grappling with his actions and their consequences. He hadn't anticipated things spiraling out of control in such a manner, and he was hit with the realisation that he had jeopardized his marriage and family.

As he stood there, a whirlwind of emotions coursed through him. Regret, frustration, and fear clawed at him. He knew he had to make amends, but he also knew it wouldn't be easy. His conversation with Gigi had made it abundantly clear that he needed to reflect on his behavior and grow up.

With a heavy heart, Nick decided to act. He needed to find Madison, apologise sincerely, and rebuild the trust he had shattered. He understood that it wouldn't be a simple task, but he was willing to do whatever it took to mend the relationship and salvage his family.


hey guys

omg so i was lit on spotify listening to stuff then this song came on n istg it was the perfect song to explain this ch lol 

have a good one 

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