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Celine and Gigi sat with me in my living room, their comforting presence a balm to my wounded heart. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I poured out my regrets.

"But you were the one who broke up with him," Celine said gently, reaching over to pat my shoulder.

"I know!" I cried out, my voice quivering with emotion. "I should've never done that. The drama just got too overwhelming, and I panicked."

Gigi offered me a warm smile and pulled me into a tight hug. "Mads, it's okay. We all make decisions in the heat of the moment. Tomorrow, you might wake up with a different perspective. For now, just give yourself some rest and let the drama settle."

Their understanding and support meant the world to me, and for a moment, the weight of the drama that had consumed me lightened just a bit.

Celine had chimed in, "You know, Mads, sometimes we let the drama cloud our judgment. It's natural to second-guess yourself after a breakup, but it's also important to remember why you made that decision in the first place."

But as the night approached, the drama of my emotions resurfaced. I couldn't help but wonder if I had made a mistake, if the drama of our relationship was something worth fighting for. The uncertainty gnawed at me, keeping me up through the long hours of the night.

Celine and Gigi had left and I was in bed when I went onto my phone. Usually when I couldn't sleep I'd message Nick and he'd insist we FaceTimed each other. 

I was sitting in bed scrolling through my photo album, I felt myself smile when I saw the photos of Nick. I placed my phone on the bedside table and tried to sleep but I couldn't.

... I woke up and checked my phone for the time, I was revealed to Nick's face. I hadn't changed my wallpaper. I then turned over my phone and turned my head over into the pillow. 

The way things are going, I wished I could stay like this forever. 


hey guys

i am acc so sorry that this is so short i kept adding more n more and didnt know wtf to write, next one out tn and my goals to upload up to 90+ for tn

have a good one

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