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I made my way to Kendall's house, where I could be alone and process the storm of emotions within me. The sense of the public humiliation, and the player's inappropriate advances were all too much to bear.

As I arrived at Kendall's doorstep, my vision was blurred by tears. The pain was overwhelming, and I just wanted to find solace with a friend. I knocked, and when the door opened, Kendall stood there. Kendall looked at me for a moment, concern etched across her face. "Madison, what happened?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

I couldn't find the words to respond, so I simply fell into her arms, crying uncontrollably. Kendall held me close, her warmth and understanding soothing the pain that consumed me. I knew I could confide in her, and that thought offered a glimmer of hope in the darkness of that day.

In the locker rooms:

Nick sat on the ground, still reeling from the intense confrontation with Isaac and Jack. The harsh reality of his actions hit him like a freight train. His team's disappointment, the hurt he'd inflicted on Madison, and the weight of his mistakes were almost too much to bear.

"What the fuck, Nick!?" Isaac had angrily approached him amidst the noisy locker room. "Stay out of it, Q," Nick tried to brush past them, but Jack blocked his way. "No one said he was done talking," Jack stated firmly, raising his eyebrows. Nick sighed, feeling the overwhelming gravity of the situation. "She's not your girlfriend anymore, she's your literal wife, remember? You proposed to her, right? Or did you forget that, just like when you got Ivy's number?" Isaac's words were like daggers.

"Listen, I'm only doing this to help you. Nick, I promise you, if she doesn't forgive you, or you don't make things right, I'm only speaking to you for the sake of this team," Isaac said, his voice heavy with frustration.

"She's like a sister to us, Nick. You've hurt her enough," Jack added, his arms crossed.

Isaac was about to say more, but Jack pulled him away, leaving Nick alone to grapple with the consequences of his actions. He groaned, sliding his back down the wall. Josh, his friend and teammate, sat down next to him, concern in his eyes.

"Ay, what was that about?" Josh asked, genuinely worried about his brother's well-being. 

Nick ran a hand through his hair, trying to put his swirling thoughts into words. "I messed up, Josh. Big time," he admitted, his voice laden with remorse. "I let my anger get the best of me, and I threw Madison and Noah out like they meant nothing."

Josh listened attentively, knowing that this was a side of his brother he rarely saw. Nick was usually the strong and confident one, the leader on and off the field. To see him so vulnerable was startling.

"You know, mate, I can't even blame you for being angry. It's a tough situation, but you've got to make things right," Josh offered his support. "Mads not just some girlfriend; she's your wife, the mother of your child. You've got to fix this for Noah's sake, too."

Nick nodded, realising the weight of his actions. "I know, Josh. But I'm afraid I've gone too far this time. She's probably done with me for good."

Josh patted his brother on the back. "Well,  you won't know unless you try. And don't do it just for the team; do it for your family. Your real family" 


hey guys

hope this was good lmk what u guys think or if u got any requests x 

have a good one 

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