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Nicks POV:
I was just relaxing at home when I heard the doorbell ring. I went to the door and opened it to be revealed to Ivy. "Hey Nicky!" She jumped onto me. I am so sick of her, but I don't want to loose Ivy like I did with Madison. The right thing to do was end things with Ivy.

I went to grab my phone to put it in charger but Josh had finally replied to my messages.

Josh: mate honestly it's just you here, do whats best for you.

Great. Thanks, Josh, that really helped.
Josh: but, personally I would dump Ivy. She's fake as fuck bro, but it's up to you.

Nick: so then am I leaving her or not?

Josh is typing...
He then stopped typing.
Nick: i don't know what to do Josh

Josh: do you love Madison?

Nick: what?

Josh: answer the question.

Nick: yes I do

Josh: Do you love ivy

Nick: yes but her personality no. She isn't my type at all. Everything Madison loves she hates.

Josh: do you love Madison or Ivy

Nick: uhh

Josh: answer the fucking question

Nick: i feel pressured but i love Madison more but she's gone

Josh: if your willing to fight for Madison then you'd leave ivy.

Fuck this. "Ivy" I called. "Yes Nicky?" She replied. "We need to talk" I told her. "That's what we're doing now" She confusingly answered. "No, seriously" I cleared my throat. "We're breaking up" I mumbled. "Huh!?" She gasped. "Ivy - you forced me into making you my girlfriend - and I- I just can't do this anymore" I sighed. Ivy walked up to me and kissed me.

"You don't mean this" She said playing with my shirt. "I do" I groaned. "No, you don't" She laughed. "Ivy, leave" I firmly told her. "Nicky, I'll give you one last chance to think this through - you don't mean it, do you?" She said. "Ivy just leave!" I demanded.

"I know you love me Nicky" She whispered in my ear. She's so fucking weird. "I don't fucking love you!" I screamed at her. "What!?" She cried. "You- you- ugh!" Tears streamed down Ivy's face as she exited my house. I was happy she left. Finally.

Nick: we broke up
Josh: now you need to apologise to some people
Nick: what?
Josh: apologise to Kendall, Damien, Maleki, Celine, Gigi, and Isaac. Jack as well if you want to play it safe
Nick: Josh why the fuck do i need to apologise to them
Josh: so they won't get as angry if you get with Madison idiot
Nick: ohhh smart
Josh: yeah I know now go apologise to them.
I sent an apology letter to all of them and they were all pretty similar.

'I am so sorry for what I did to Madison. I'm trying to make things right - i want to make stuff good between us before I apologise to Madison or if I ever do see her again. I miss her so much and I was so stupid. I wasn't in the right State of mind and Ivy forced me into a lot of things, but that's not an excuse. I miss Madison so much. I really do. If I ever do speak to Madison I promise I'll never hurt her again. I am accountable for my own actions, but please forgive me and I hope this message can make things right.'
Celine was first to answer.
Celine: oh how much i tried to ignore your message. I appreciate your effort into getting my number and all that. Nick I'm trying so hard to not be mad at you but you and Madison were so cute. It made her happy, i only want what's best for her. I know what her choices would be with this so I want to make things right again, too. If you ever do make things right with Madison you have to look after her for me. She's not a toy. You can't play with her whenever you want to, but I can see your love for each other. So, i forgive your apology.
Gigi replied after Celine.
Gigi: I respected you Nick. I really did, you hurt Madison. It hurt me too. To see her like that. It sucks, you know? She has feelings to and they can't be played with. I appreciate your message. I want to make things right. Not because I feel sorry for you, but because Madison would want to make things right. She still loves you, don't expect things from her though. You gotta work real hard. If this ever happens again Nick it won't end well. But, you guys are adorable. Don't get all happy from this message. I'm counting on you, Nick.

Kendall then answered.
Kendall: As much as i fucking hate you right now things can't always be like this. Nick I've known you for how long and to see you do that broke not only Madison, but everyone around her. It was feral. It was shocking. I can't stay mad at you forever, and you can't always do this. If this ever happens again Nick I won't budge as easy as I am right now. Everyone deserves one more chance, and Nick this so your last chance. Make things right. For you, and for Madison. She loved you Nick. You were all she spoke about. That hasn't changed. Make things right, Nick.

Damien replied but I was worried for what I was going to read.
Damien: bro fuck u. Nick your one of my best mates just don't do this again. Madison loves you and we all can see it. Don't ever do this again. I'm only forgiving you because I care for you and Madison. Madison would want me to forgive you. Make things right Nick. Don't stuff it up.
Maleki messaged me next.
Maleki: in your fucking dreams that your doing this again. Nick you better be careful. Make things right. I'm her older brother, I'll always look out for her. At the same time, i do whatever is best for her. I do what she wants me to do. I know what she'd want right now, so make things right Nick.

Isaac replied, too.
Isaac: over these past few weeks I've gotten real close with Madison and I am so glad I have. She's an amazing girl and is perfect for you. One more chance Nick. I've warned you how many times. I only want what's best for you.
Jack had also replied.
Jack: i know you can get her back. Don't give up on her Nick, and don't ever do this again.
I was honestly so happy that everyone was giving me another chance. But, Madison blocked me. So I don't know how I could speak to her.
Nick: they all gave me another chance. next?
Josh: what do u think is next?
Nick: message Madison?
Josh: bingo
Nick: she blocked me?
Josh: try now. and don't rush things.
Nick: Hi Madison. I hope you receive this message. I also hope you reply to this message. I fucked up. Real bad. So much people warned me. But I didn't listen, Madison. Ivy forced me into things, but i know - it's not an excuse. Madison i love you so much. Just being friends would make me so happy. I love seeing you everyday. Your beautiful smile - everything. Your personality, just anything about you makes me smile, even thinking about you. I really want to try again - even if it means I have to wait for who knows how long, i don't care, I'm willing to give us another shot. I hope you can forgive me. I want to make things right. i haven't been the same since we broke up. I want things to be the same. I love you so much. Please, Madison.

Madison: hi Nick. Thanks for the message. I know your sorry - trust me i do. But you hurt me, you ruined everything. I would've never expected this from you. I love you to, Nick. But I'm not ready. Not yet. We can be friends until things are right or whatever. Hope to see you soon.

Nick: thank you so much Mads. I can't wait to see you again. Whatever you want to do I'll do, I'm happy that I can just talk to you again.

heyyy guyssss
hope u enjoyed that. thank u all for the comments and all that - motivates me to write even more aha.

Have a good one 🫶🏽

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