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"Whose the lucky guy?" Celine asked, trying to lighten up the mood. 

~ Nick and I had once again reunited, this time at a party. We were both drunk as and someone, I really don't remember, dropped us off at Nick's house.

Of course, we were both drunk. Like, really drunk. I remember waking up to my dress on the floor, I was in one of Nicks shirts, and he was shirtless. I looked at Nick and panicked. He had hickey's all over his neck. I looked in the mirror, and saw hickey's, all over my body. What the hell did we do, I don't know and I don't remember. 

Nick woke up with around the same reaction as me, It was awkward when we spoke to each other. He gave me one of his trackie pants / tracksuit / sweats / sweatpants, wtv u wanna call it, I changed into it after gathering my stuff then headed out towards the door. ~

"It's all going to be alright" Gigi told me, as she walked over to me and hugged me like Celine was.

This morning:

The morning after the party where Nick and I reunited was a blur. The drama of the previous night had left me with a throbbing headache and a sense of disorientation. I stumbled into my living room, feeling like a stranger in my own space.

To my surprise, Celine and Gigi were already there, sitting on the couch and chatting animatedly. As I entered the room, their voices trailed off, and they exchanged knowing glances that sent a pang of unease through me.

"Morning," I mumbled, my head still pounding from the drama of the hangover.

"Morning, Madison," Celine replied, her expression a mix of excitement and trepidation. "We thought we'd come over and hang out for a bit."

Gigi nodded in agreement, but there was a tension in the air that I couldn't ignore. The drama of their presence felt unusual.

I sank into a chair, feeling oddly out of place, as if I were intruding on a private conversation. The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence, and the drama of their unspoken words hung heavy in the air.

Celine finally broke the silence, her voice trembling with emotion. "Madison, there's something we need to tell you. It's important."

My heart began to race, and the drama of my unease deepened. "What's going on?"

Gigi reached into her bag and pulled out a small box, her hands shaking slightly. "Madison, we brought something with us."

She opened the box, revealing a pregnancy test. The drama of that moment hit me like a tidal wave, and I felt my stomach churn with anxiety.

Celine's voice quivered as she said, "We thought you might want to take this. There have been some signs, and we wanted to be sure."

The drama of their words left me stunned, my mind racing as I tried to process what was happening. Pregnant? It felt like a surreal twist in the story of my life.

With trembling hands, I took the test from Gigi and followed the instructions. The drama of the moment was palpable as I waited for the results, my heart pounding in my chest.

And then, there it was—the unmistakable sign that changed everything. The test was positive.

Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of shock, fear, and a strange sense of wonder. The drama of the situation was overwhelming, and I couldn't find the words to express what I was feeling.

Celine and Gigi exchanged glances once more, their faces filled with a mixture of concern and support. "Madison," Celine said softly, "we're here for you, no matter what you decide. The drama of this situation is intense, but you don't have to go through it alone."

The weight of their words sank in, and I realised that the drama of my pregnancy was something I couldn't ignore. Nick and I had reunited amidst the chaos of our emotions, and now, we faced a new challenge—one that would redefine our lives in ways we couldn't have imagined.


"Are you keeping it?" Celine pulled back. "Of course, it deserves to live! After everything horrible I've done if I didn't keep it I'd feel even more horrible. Wait! Oh my god I am horrible! Nick's only 20 years old and I'm so young, too! His a professional footy player, what if he- Oh no!" 

"Are you keeping it?" Celine pulled back, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

I took a deep breath, my thoughts racing a mile a minute. "Of course, it deserves to live! After everything horrible I've done, if I didn't keep it, I'd feel even more horrible. Wait! Oh my god, I am horrible! Nick's only 20 years old, and I'm so young, too! He's a professional footy player, what if he—" I paused, the drama of my fears surfacing.

Gigi chimed in gently, "Madison, it's natural to have concerns and fears. The drama of parenthood is filled with uncertainties, but it's also a beautiful journey. And remember, Nick and you are in this together. He deserves to know."

The drama of their words sank in, and I realized that I couldn't navigate this new chapter of my life alone. The drama of parenthood was a shared journey, and Nick had a right to be a part of it.

As the day continued, I made the difficult decision to talk to Nick about the pregnancy. The drama of our reunion had already been intense, but this was a truth that I couldn't keep from him any longer. I decided to message Nick asking if we could talk. 


hey guys
i didnt know if i should do this or not so i asked one of my friends (who also is obsessed w nick) and she lit loved it and said to do it i lit didnt know if i should upload yet n if u guys should wait for the next first but sorry if u guys dont like the idea or anything lmk what u think of it omg

have a good one

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