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I woke up in Nicks bed to him sleeping. He looked so cute right now. "Your staring" he smirked as he put his face into the pillow. "Stop doing that!" I playfully smacked him. He lifted his head and laughed. "I love you" He kissed me. "I love you too, Nick" I smiled.

I grabbed my phone and checked my messages. "That's weird" I mumbled.

(Random Number): Hi Madison. It's your mother. I don't want you to ask if I'm ok or where I am, though I know you won't ask. I am completely fine though, you know how I manage. I know your back with Nick, and I know your staying at your old house. Kendall and you had a fight, I know that too. Just know you didn't do anything wrong. She's your sister but, remember that. You guys will one day reunite and I can bet on it. Even if it means 10 years you guys will reunite. That's why I never got involved. It's like your aunts, uncles, and I. She's the eldest and she shouldn't do silly things like those. She's irresponsible, I know. Don't waste your time on her. But, aside from that, I'm sorry. For Charles, for everything. I hope your better now. I messaged Kendall and your other siblings. You've always been my favourite Madison and I promise I haven't messaged that to them, just know I'm always here for you 🪢 🫀
I know this isn't likely of me. But I've realised how selfish I have been. I've been going to therapy, and I've spoken to your father again. We live together and maybe one day when I feel like I've been controlled and calmed you can visit me. If you'd like too, of course. 😀

Madison: Hi mum, glad to hear from you. Hope your doing good. Thankfully things are going well for you 😊
Maybe one day I'll visit you. Depends. Kendall's a little suck up. I don't really care though because it's better for me. Thanks for the message and hopefully see you soon 🪢 🫀
"Mum, what's a rope?" I ran to my mum. "Well, my dear Madison, a rope is something you can climb up on or you can tie them together to hang something up like what they have on tents." My mum told me.

"Kendall said she wants to strangle me with one!" I widened my eyes. "I'll deal with her, don't worry. She's just like her father. But you, my precious, Madison, your like me. I am glad you are." My mum smiled at me as she turned her focus to me and pulled me onto her lap. "Are we like ropes?" I asked myself.

"What do you mean, Madison?" My mum asked. "Well, you said you can tie things together, and family are always together. Do we have a rope!?" I turned around to my mum. "Well, the ropes invisible. But they all link to our hearts" My mum smiled. "Oh! That makes sense now. So your heart and my share a invisible rope!" I giggled. "Your so smart for a 5 year old. You smart cookie!" My mum poked my nose playfully. "Promise you won't cut the rope?" I stuck my pinky out. "Madison, want to hear a secret?" My mother whispered. "Yes!" I squealed. "Invisible ropes can never be cut." My mum smiled. "Wow" I answered amazed.

"And one day, when you have a family, there'll be a special rope made for your family. Just like ours." My mum smiled.
"What is it?" Nick asked. I leaned my head on his shoulder as I showed him my mums message.
Mum: Oh, and do tell Nick I'm sorry. (Im also messaging everyone that needs an apology, but I don't know Nicks number)
"Perfect timing" Nick laughed.

hey guys
sorry I didn't know what to write but I hope u still enjoyed its not long but it's good it's not as short as the others lol
have a good one

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