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Madison and Nick had been working hard to rebuild their relationship after their recent struggles. They found solace in the peaceful moments they shared with their son, Noah, who was growing more and more each day.

One sunny afternoon, as Madison played with Noah in the backyard, Nick approached her with a soft smile. He knelt beside her and handed her a small, carefully wrapped box.

Madison raised an eyebrow. "What's this?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Nick simply urged her to open it with a nod and an encouraging grin. Madison carefully unwrapped the package and opened the box, revealing a beautifully crafted necklace. It had a pendant in the shape of a small key.

Madison's eyes widened in surprise as she examined the necklace, holding it up to the sunlight.

Nick cleared his throat and spoke sincerely, "I wanted you to have this. It's like a key to our shared future, to our family. I'm committed to being the partner and father you deserve. You hold the key to my heart, and I want to show you that every day."

Tears welled up in Madison's eyes as she looked at Nick. She reached for his hand, her heart swelling with emotion. "Nick, I... I appreciate this. Thank you for trying so hard to make things right."

Nick smiled, relieved that his gesture was well-received. "I love you, Madison," he said, leaning in to seal his promise with a tender, heartfelt kiss.

Their journey to rebuilding their relationship was far from over, but this small, sincere gesture represented a step in the right direction, filled with love and hope for the future.


hey guys

hope u enjoyed this ch tryna think if i should make it a bit of drama but now that im thinking ab it ill save it for a bit after things get good, maybe in ch 140 not sure. 

have a good one 

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