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The next morning
Annalise and I woke up and decided to go out for breakfast. Kendall couldn't tag along because she had work. So, we went to a local cafe. "Did you wanna borrow any of my clothes?" I asked her. "Oh no, all good I have extra clothes in my car, thank you though" Annalise smiled. She returned with the clothes and got changed.

"Here are all my products and brushes and all that, you can use any of them" I offered her. "Thank you so much Mads" she said, hugging me. "No worries" I smiled.

Annalise insisted she drove after everything I've done. After a few minutes of arguing whose car I just gave up because this girl clearly want going to budge. We drove to the cafe and walked in. "Have you ever been here?" I asked her. "Nope, it looks so good though"She said, a grin spreading across her face. "I can't wait to try the food, have you tried this place out?" She added. "Nah, it's a new place, from what I've heard it's really good though" I smiled. We ordered our food and found a table.

Annalise and I were sitting down talking when suddenly the door opened. From Annalise's angle, you couldn't see who walked in. It was Josh. He wasn't alone though, he was with Nick. I was about to wave at them but then I remembered Annalise's situation with Josh so I thought it was best not to call them over. I looked away and continued talking to Annalise. I didn't want to ask her if she was going to sort things out with him because not only was it rude and invading her privacy, but it's up to her and I didn't want to rush her or make her feel pressured like I wanted her to leave.

I don't know if Josh and Nick had seen us, but they haven't came over. I got a message from Nick.

Nick: Hey, distracted Josh from seeing Annalise otherwise who knows what he would've done. Didn't want to come up to you guys incase he followed me or saw me. I miss u tho 🤍
Madison: Yeah, good point. Do u think they'd sort things out? Hope they do, their so cute together. Miss u too 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Nick: Honestly, I don't even know anymore. I hope they do, too.
Madison: Foods here 😋 gtg I love u
Nick: Enjoyyy 😁 love u too mads.

Annalise still doesn't know that Josh is here, and I assume he doesn't know that Annalise and I were here because his back was facing the two of us, and Annalise's back was facing the two of them. I tried to limit my glares towards them incase Annalise saw them.

We had finished our food and Annalise and I got a bit too loud about arguing whose going to pay first. Whilst I was trying to unlock my phone to use my credit card, Annalise had beat me to it. Both Josh and Nick were looking at us. Annalise and I had left the cafe. Josh ran out and called for Annalise. Turns out they had finished too. "Annalise! Wait please" He begged.

She turned around and was shocked. "Look, Ann, I'm so so so sorry for what I did. I was so worked up and angry over nothing, it was only because we had an early training session and I was so tired, exhausted and grumpy - the coaches had also gone hard on us but I shouldn't put the blame on them-"

"Josh, it's ok" She said jumping onto him and hugging him tightly. They kissed as well. It was the cutest thing ever. Nick and I stood there in awe, both so happy they got along.

20 mins later or wtv it was and I'm back here. Hope u enjoyed guyssss 🤍 But Annalise and Josh are acc so cute, like honestly let's be real Annalise is soooo pretty.

have a good one 🫶🏽🫶🏽

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