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It had been a while since I had spent some quality time with Annalise. Despite the challenges and busy schedules we had both been dealing with, Annalise and I had managed to maintain a close friendship. One sunny Saturday, we decided to go on a much-needed shopping trip together.

As we strolled through the bustling mall, the worries and stresses of our daily lives seemed to fade into the background. Laughter and excitement filled the air as we explored the latest fashion trends and tried on various outfits.

Annalise was the perfect shopping companion, her enthusiasm contagious. We visited our favorite boutiques, helping each other pick out stylish clothes and sharing fashion tips. The joy of discovering new pieces for our wardrobes brought a sense of fulfillment to our day.

In between shopping, we stopped for coffee at a cozy café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the warmth of our conversation created a relaxed atmosphere. We talked about a wide range of topics—our relationships, future plans, and even shared stories from our past experiences.

As we sipped our coffee, Annalise shared some anecdotes from her own life, and I listened attentively, offering support and understanding. Our friendship had always been a source of strength, a safe space where we could share our thoughts and feelings without reservation.

After a fulfilling day of shopping and bonding, we made our way to the checkout counter, our bags filled with our fabulous finds. The day had been a welcome escape from our usual routines, a reminder that amidst our busy lives, there were moments of joy and connection to be cherished.

As we left the mall, our arms laden with shopping bags, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the delightful day I had spent with Annalise. Our friendship had brought us moments of laughter and bonding that were truly priceless, and I looked forward to many more such days in the future.

As Annalise and I walked back to the car, we continued to chat about our plans for the upcoming weeks. The sun had begun its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the city. The pleasant exhaustion from our day of shopping was a welcome sensation, a sign that we had made the most of our time together.

Once we arrived back at my place, we laid out our shopping haul on the living room floor, admiring our purchases. The room was filled with colourful bags and clothing, a testament to our successful shopping adventure.


"Do you think Nick will like this" I showed Annalise the boots I had brought for Nick. "Oh my gosh I love those!" She examined them. "Yeah, he definitely will" She grinned. 

... I went to Nicks house with the bag of shoes and knocked on his door. "Hey Mads" He opened the door and kissed me. "Hi" I smiled. "W-what're you doing here?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "I thought I'd come past, and I got you these"I showed him the boots and his eyes widened. "Can I come in?" I asked.

"Um- Y-y- sure" Nick then tried to close the door but I put my hand out to stop it. I walked in and Kendall was at Nicks house. "What's going on here?" I crossed my arms. 

"W-we, um," Nick looked at them. "We were talking about you" Kendall looked away, her voice shaky. "Mia wouldn't let me talk to you or Maleki, Celine, Gigi, Josh, Annalise, Isaac, Jack, none of them would either." Kendall looked at me. 

"So then why would you?" I asked Nick, my tone tinged with a mixture of emotions. "I- I felt bad" Nick looked down. Nick sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I know things have been complicated, but I thought maybe we could try to resolve the drama and make things better.

As I stood in Nick's living room, the drama of the situation weighing heavy on my shoulders, I couldn't help but confront the unresolved issues from the past. Kendall's presence and Nick's hesitation had opened a door to a conversation that had been long overdue.

I turned to Nick, my voice firm, my eyes filled with the weight of the drama that had unfolded. "You know what she did, Nick! The drama that she caused, the hurt she put us through..."

Nick met my gaze, his own eyes reflecting the complexity of the situation. "I know, Madison. The drama between you and Kendall has been difficult for everyone involved, but I thought if we talked, maybe we could find a way to resolve it."

Kendall, sitting on the couch, lowered her head, her expression a mix of remorse and shame. The drama of her actions had driven a wedge between us, and now the tension in the room was thick with the weight of the past.

I took a deep breath, my resolve firm. "Nick, I appreciate that you want to help resolve the drama, but it's not that simple. The drama between Kendall and me runs deep, and it's going to take time and effort to heal."

Kendall finally spoke up, her voice filled with sincerity. "Madison, I'm truly sorry for everything. The drama I caused was wrong, and I regret it."

I glanced at Kendall, the drama of her apology not enough to erase the pain of the past, but it was a start. "You- don't talk to me. It's going to take more than words to mend the drama between us."

"The time clearly isn't right" Nick looked at Kendall. "I have no one, Madison" Kendall looked at me. "We made you leave, then Maleki left, and now Damien - his with mum and dad or I think his living with Archie, I don't know" Kendall looked at me. "You did this to yourself. You still have the house. Live with what you've got." I looked at her.

"I think it's best if you leave." Nick cleared his throat as Kendall had listened to him and left. 


hey guys

ik theres maybe a bit going on but i thought to bring kendall back in this ch bc she hasnt been in a lot i mean i dont even want her in it but wtv lmaoaoa

have a good one

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