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I stood there, seething with anger and frustration. The drama that had unfolded in Nick's living room had left me feeling betrayed and hurt. My heart pounded, and my fists clenched at my sides as I turned my gaze toward Nick.

"What were you thinking, Nick?" I snapped, my voice shaking with anger. "Having Kendall here after everything she's put us through? And you didn't even bother to tell me?"

Nick, his expression a mix of guilt and confusion, tried to explain, "Madison, I thought maybe if we could all sit down and talk, we could resolve some of the drama between you and Kendall."

My patience had run thin, and the drama of the situation had pushed me to my breaking point. "Resolve the drama? Nick, this isn't some simple disagreement. The drama between Kendall and me runs deep, and it's not something that can be fixed with a casual conversation."

Nick, his own frustration bubbling to the surface, argued back, "Well, what do you want me to do, Madison? Ignore her completely? She's going through a tough time, and I can't just abandon her."

The drama between us intensified as we exchanged heated words, neither willing to back down. The hurt and betrayal I felt were too overwhelming, and my anger consumed me.

"Nick, I can't believe you would prioritise her over us," I seethed, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and sadness.

Nick, his own anger flaring, shouted back, "I'm not prioritising anyone over us, Madison. I just thought maybe we could work through the drama and find a way to move forward."

The room felt like it was closing in on us, the drama of our argument echoing in the tense silence that followed. The chasm between us seemed wider than ever, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was any way to bridge it.

"I was just trying to fix things," Nick looked down. "There's nothing to fix" I said. "So then why aren't you good with your sister?" Nick asked.

"I don't want to repeat myself Nick, we're just going around in circles right now!" I responded. "Whatever, Madison." Nick sighed. "It's not whatever, Nick!" I was now frustrated.

Nick seemed to relent slightly, his shoulders slumping as he realised the gravity of our situation. "I know, Madison, but this isn't the right time. Kendall needs support, and we can't turn our back on her."

The room was filled with a heavy silence as we both grappled with the weight of our unresolved issues. The drama of our relationship had brought us to this breaking point, and the path forward remained uncertain.

"Can we solve this?" Nick looked at me. 

Nick's question hung in the air, the tension between us still palpable. I considered his words carefully before responding, my anger slowly dissipating.

"What is there to solve?" I sighed. "Your now going in circles," Nick raised his eyebrows."Nick," I began, my voice wavering, "maybe I don't want to solve any of this!"

Nick's eyes widened, shock and hurt evident in his expression. "What are you saying, Madison?"

"I'm saying I want a break," I looked at him. "Break from what..." Nick cautiously asked.

"Well, I'm not talking to Kendall and it's just you and I so what do you think? I need a break from us" I shook my head. "These are for you," I gave him the pair of shoes. "Take care of yourself, Nick" I walked off and headed to my car.


hey guys
edited last ch by deleting the end and then continued on from here lol

have a good one

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