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The evening cast a gentle glow over the household as Madison, Nick, Noah, and Loraine gathered in the cozy living room. The day had been filled with laughter and play, and now, as the sun dipped below the horizon, it was time to usher in the tranquility of bedtime. 

Nick, with Noah riding piggyback, made his way up the stairs. "Alright, Noah, time for bed." 

Noah yawned, rubbing his eyes. "But I want to hear one more story, Dada." 

Madison, carrying Loraine in her arms, joined them. "How about a story of a little boy called Noah, and his a superstar at playing footy." 

With a grin, Nick settled Noah into bed, tucking the covers around him. Madison gently placed a kiss on Loraine's forehead as she nestled in her crib. 

"And so," Nick began, weaving a tale of adventurous pirates and hidden treasures, "Noah kicked the goal that made his team win." 

Noah's eyelids grew heavy, his imagination carrying him away into the world of dreams. Madison, with a soft lullaby, lulled Loraine into a peaceful slumber. 

Once the kids were tucked in, Nick and Madison tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind them. In the hushed stillness of the house, they found themselves in the glow of the living room. 

Nick smiled at Madison. "What do you say we make some plans of our own?" 

Madison's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Plans? Like what?" 

Nick took a seat on the couch, patting the space beside him. "Like paying a visit to Annalise and Josh. You know, with the arrival of Bella, they could use some company and congratulations." 

Madison's face lit up. "That's a wonderful idea! We should bring them a little gift, maybe something for Bella." 

Nick nodded. "Exactly. It's been a while since we've seen them, and I'm sure they'd love a visit from the four of us." 

Madison joined him on the couch, her mind already spinning with ideas. "We can plan a little family day out. Maybe a picnic in the park or a stroll by the river." 

Nick grinned. "Perfect. I'll reach out to Josh tomorrow, see when works best for them. And we can make it a surprise." 

As they continued to discuss the details of their upcoming visit, the living room became a space filled with dreams and plans—a canvas where the shared moments of the past blended seamlessly with the promises of the future. 

And so, under the soft glow of the living room lamp, Madison and Nick, with hearts full of love and anticipation, continued to dream and plan—the architects of a family story that unfolded in the warmth of shared moments and the bonds that held them all together. 

hey guys 
omg were nearly done stopppp 

have a good one 

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