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Celine and I were shopping together for Maleki's and Mia's wedding. Everything was either, "Too showy", "Ugly", "That colour is hideous", "Too long", "Too short", and the list just goes on. Then I finally tried on a dress and Celine gasped.

"Aww!! I love it, I love it, I love it!" She clapped her hands as she got up. "You need to buy that it's beautiful." Celine demanded, and I completely agreed with her. I got changed in my normal clothes and headed to the cashier. I paid and as Celine already had her dress, we then made our way to grab something to eat.

"I want Sushi." Celine said, and she was craving it because it's all she's spoken about. "Hi can I get — seriously?" Celine rolled her eyes as she looked at me. I just stared blankly at the cashier.

"Madison?" The woman spoke as she looked at my stomach. "Whose the da-" "Check her Insta. Wait your blocked. Well, I think you'd know I mean..." Celine raised her eyebrows as she grinned. "Congratulations to you and Nick." The cashier, which was Gigi, answered. "Wait! Before you go. Madison, and Celine, I am so so sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking and I just-" "It's fine." I mentally rolled my eyes.

"So are we good?" She smiled as she looked at Celine and I. "Pfft. Oh, please." Celine scoffed. "Don't be dumb, Gigi. Enjoy your shift" Celine blew a kiss to her as we walked off. Gigi then stared at us and looked down before having to look back up for a customer.

hey guys
sorry if this is shit is tryna drag out ch so Annalise and Josh's wedding aren't to close to Mia and Maleki's lol

have a good one

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