Chapter 1: Daydreaming

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*Sam's P.O.V*

He's officially no longer in Cobra Kai. He left the dojo. He's now on the good side and everything is right in the world.

I feel pretty content now knowing that we're going to be on the same side.

Seeing him walk in the home dojo had given me so much peace and it seems like nothing could go wrong.

It's a fucking miracle.

I spent all night thinking about him as I laid in bed and I couldn't help but not stop my flowing thoughts.

From the minute he entered from the back way of my house, to when the fight started and when I saw him come into the home dojo with Miguel and Demetri to stop Tory from doing anything else to me.

It's like he came to my rescue. He wanted to save me.

But Hawk probably wouldn't want to be with me.

He hated me so much when he was in Cobra Kai. He kept calling me princess which I knew was just an insult. He was making fun of me.

So he probably still hates me.

Unless he's been secretly crushing on me like I have been secretly crushing on him this past year.

Oh, who am I kidding? He doesn't have a crush on me.

I frowned at that thought as I stared up at the ceiling of my bedroom.

I wish Hawk did like me.

Before the fight happened at my house, I was with Miguel and yeah, we did kiss at the dojo.

But because of my feelings for Hawk, I know that whatever is happening between Miguel and I, it needs to take a pause. A break. Or just a break up.

Miguel and I haven't officially gotten back together in that case but still.. I would think that him and I need to talk about it.

That sounds pretty reasonable.

And the right thing to do.

With my thoughts about Hawk spinning around my head, the door to my room opened and there stood Anthony.

"Sam, are you still up?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm awake."

My little brother walked in my room some more and he sat at the edge of the bed, clearly with something on his mind.

I looked at him, "What's up?"

"There's this girl I have a crush on at school.." He started to say, "But I don't know how to approach her about my feelings. I can talk to her like normal but she most likely doesn't know my crush on her and I want to be able to be around her more."

Hmmm... it seems like he's in the same boat as me but with Hawk.

Because I don't know how to approach Hawk about my feelings towards him and he most likely doesn't know about my crush.

And yes, I want to be around him more and it's gonna happen because he's no longer in Cobra Kai.

We're going to be training in the same dojo.

It's absolutely perfect.

But back to Anthony's problem.

I'm not exactly sure what to say but I'm going to try my best.

"Maybe just wait to tell her your feelings." I suggested. "Continue talking to her and maybe ask her to get some food or something. When the time is right, tell her how you feel."

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