Chapter 81: Silent Calls

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*Sam's P.O.V*

I'm sitting there, phone in hand, nervously dialing Eli's number over and over again. Each time, my heart skips a beat, hoping he'll pick up and we can talk things through.

But nope, it's like the universe is playing a cruel game, and all I get is his voicemail greeting.

Let me tell you, frustration doesn't even begin to cover it. It's like a rollercoaster of emotions, you know?

One minute, I'm hopeful, thinking maybe he's just busy or didn't hear the call. But as the calls keep going to voicemail, that hope starts to fade, and frustration sets in. I mean, seriously, why won't he answer?

And plus, it's not just the unanswered calls that eat at me. It's this heavy guilt that weighs on my chest.

Every time I hear that automated voice on his voicemail, it's a reminder of what happened between me and Miguel. That unexpected kiss that turned my world upside down.

And Eli saw the kiss.

I can't help but replay that moment in my mind. And with each unanswered call, the guilt intensifies.

It's like a whirlwind of emotions, swirling inside me, leaving me feeling torn and unsure of what to do next.

I sighed after another unsuccessful call to Eli and I put my phone down on the table that's in the living room. Eli is completely putting it in my face of how much I messed up and how much I hurt him.

I guess I deserve this type of treatment from Eli.

"You know if he wanted to talk to you, he would've answered the first call." I heard my brother say.

I glared at him. "Shut up, Anthony."

He put his hands up, "You know I'm telling you the truth."

I stayed quiet, not wanting to hear my brother's words. I didn't want to hear him at all. I want him to go to his room and leave me alone. Because what he's doing right now isn't helping.

And with me not saying anything, Anthony continued talking.

"I told you before that Miguel will most likely make a move now that you and Eli broke up. But what did you do? You didn't believe me. You thought I was lying. But I wasn't. I knew this was going to happen."

"I get your point, Anthony." I snapped, "Now shut up."

"I fucking told you, Sam."

"Yes, you told me. I don't need to keep hearing it."

"I think you need to."

"No, I don't." I yelled at him.

"Don't get mad at me because you most likely ruined what you had with Eli. You tell yourself you're taking a break from relationships but then you're kissing your ex. Like what the hell, Sam?"

"Miguel kissed me!"

"And yet, you didn't stop it."

"I didn't kiss him back."

"And again like I just said, you didn't stop it. You didn't tell Miguel to stop." He shouted.

Why the hell is he getting defensive?

"I didn't know that he was going to kiss me."

"You guys were practically having a moment without even knowing it. He planned to kiss you."

"It was a heat of the moment." I said.

"So you have all heat of the moments with your ex boyfriends?"

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