Chapter 7: Just A Dream

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*Hawk's P.O.V*

"Do you think it's good?" I asked Demetri as he was over at my house, helping me prepare.

Today is the day.

Today is the day where Sam will be coming over so that we could watch a movie together.

I had asked Demetri to come over early so that he can give me more advice and tips so that it can be a fun, friendly night.

It's not a date.

It's simply two friends and teammates hanging out on a Saturday night. There's nothing more to it.

"Yeah, it's all good." Demetri nodded.

When Demetri came over earlier, he explained to me how I needed to prep everything.

So we had to go to the store and buy a couple of things.

That had meant a shitload of candy - which he happily picked out because I didn't know what candy to get. Then he was informing me certain things about how to keep this fun and not worry so much.

What is there for me to worry?

So here in the living room, laid an assortment of different candies that Demetri picked out. From Twizzlers to M&M's.

There's more candy though like sour patch kids and even some crunch candy chocolate bars.

"And I plan on ordering the pizza before she arrives so that we don't have to wait so long." I explained as I went to grab two jugs of soda.

Everything that I have is basically Demetri's doing.

Even though, he won't take the credit.

"Just remember it's two friends hanging out. Don't think too much about it."

"Yeah." I nodded. "Friends watch movies together all the time."

But not Sam and I. This is the first time this kind of thing is happening and it's such a strange feeling that I can't even describe it.

I thought Demetri would've said something but I looked at him to see that he was eating some of the candy.

"Man, I love red vines." He said.

"They are called Twizzlers."

It honestly annoys the shit out of me when people call Twizzlers, red vines.

"Sorry, man." He apologized before he grabbed his glass of water that he had.

Everything that is on the dining room table is the assortment of candy, the soda and then a stack of movies that Demetri helped pick out as well.

I sat down on the couch and took a deep breath. This is so overwhelming.

"So, she's coming over at 7?"

I nodded. "Yeah which means that you would have to leave before she gets here."

"I'll be here once you tell me to go. I just don't want to leave you alone because then you'll stress yourself out." He eyed me.

"It's just exhausting." I sighed.

Maybe I should take a nap before Sam gets here.

That sounds like a good idea but would Demetri leave if I tell him that I feel tired and want to take a quick nap before this whole gathering takes place?

Sleeping at night has gotten a bit easier but I was still losing a few hours of sleep.

"Hey, I think I'll be okay." I assured my best friend. "I'm thinking about taking a quick nap before I get ready and when she arrives here."

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