Chapter 61: Engraved Destiny

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*Eli's P.O.V*

"So you're sure this will work?" I asked Demetri as he parked into the parking lot of a store. A jewelry store to be exact.

"I'm positive, Eli." He nodded, approvingly, letting me know that this is a good plan.

"I can only hope that you're right." I sighed, before I got out of his car and started walking towards the entrance way.

If I can be honest, jewelry wasn't the first thing that came to mind when I had said that I wanted to do something for Sam. To let her know that I'm here for her.

I'm still a bit mad about the fight but my feelings for her outweigh any anger that I felt after she told me that maybe we shouldn't be together. Of course, we do. I'll find it wild a year ago but right now, I find it making sense.

When we entered the store, Demetri said, "I got Yasmine a charm bracelet here, plus a charm for every fight we have. She can barely lift her arm now."

I raised my eyebrow at his sentence. Now I'm wondering how many fights they've had.

If I was doing the same thing and giving Sam a charm bracelet, she would at least have two charms. We had the little petty fight at the dojo and then the huge argument at her house.

"Do I even wanna know how many fights you guys have had?"

"Please don't ask."

I shrugged off the topic before a worker came to us.

"Can I help you find something?" A woman named Nicole said.

"Um, yes. I'm looking for something special for my girlfriend." I told Nicole.

"That's so sweet! Is it a birthday, an anniversary?"

Before I could even say anything, Demetri butted in and said, "they've been having some arguments lately and he wants to make sure they're okay before it turns messy."

Out of everything he says, he says that?

"Is there anything specific you are looking for?" Nicole asked me.

"I wouldn't even know where to start."

"What about a nice pair of earrings?"

Earrings are nice. But I honestly can't picture myself picking out the perfect kind of Sam. So I immediately dodged that idea and continued looking at the displays.

I looked at the necklaces and one did caught my eye. It was a simple silver heart necklace but what if there was a way for me to make it more special?

"Can you add engraving to the necklaces?" I then asked.

"Yeah, we can." Nicole answered, "Which one are you looking at?"

"That one." I pointed to the necklace and she took it out of the display case.

"What do you want to engrave into it?"

"Our initials." I said, "So it can be E+S."

"That seems really sweet."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"What do you think is the estimate for the price?" Demetri then asked.

"About 300 dollars."

Well, I was screwed. It's not like I carry that amount of money in my pocket everyday. Maybe this was a bad idea. Why do I listen to Demetri?

"Can you excuse us for one second?" I said to Nicole before she walked away to give us a few minutes.

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