Chapter 102: Family Tensions

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*Eli's P.O.V*

I couldn't believe my eyes. There he was, Dad, standing right there in our living room after all these years.

My heart pounded like it wanted to escape my chest. Thoughts raced through my head, tripping over each other, trying to make sense of it all. Why now? How did he just show up out of the blue?

It felt like my brain was stuck in a fog, every emotion I'd packed away about him suddenly unpacking itself right there on the spot.

"Dad?" I repeated, staring at him.

"Hey, son." He sent me a smile.

But I didn't give him a smile to match his. I had some anger on my face and shock waves continued to course through me.

Then all of a sudden, my mom walked through the front door and she was shocked to see him as well.

"Ethan.." she said, shocked.

"Lydia, it's nice to see you."

This does not need to be happening right now. I want my dad to leave and let me take it easy. And then I'll wait for Sam to come over because I rather have her company than my own dad.

"What are you doing here?" My mom asked him.

"I heard about our son's accident." He said, "Thought I'd swing by and see if he's okay."

"I'm fine." I said, "And I'd feel a lot better if you leave."

"Is that any way to talk to your dad?"

"Don't even start." I glared at him.

"Start what?"

"Don't come to our house and then just expecting a free pass." I said, "You've been gone for seven years and you can't just come back, acting like nothing happened. You left. You left mom and I. We don't need you here so it'll be best if you leave and never return."

My dad looked shocked at my words, trying to process what I said to him. He must've thought that I wouldn't say that to him. But hey, I got the confidence now.

"Is he serious?" He looked towards my mom.

My mom had a frown on her face. "Yes."

"You're siding with him?"

"Eli's right." She said, "You left us when he was a young boy. And sure, we missed having you here but him and I are capable of taking care of the house. It's only been Eli and I. And it's going to stay that way."

"Lydia, it doesn't have to be like this." My dad started to beg.

"You're right, it doesn't." My mom's voice becoming stern, "But you made it this way."

My dad started to get mad. More mad than he's been in his whole life. Even though, he shouldn't be surprised. He was the one who made this choice years ago and left my mom and I by ourselves. So if anything, he shouldn't be getting mad when this was his fault.

"You're a selfish brat." My dad then yelled at me.

I gasped. "Don't talk to me like that."

"I can do whatever I want. I'm your damn father and you'll start to give me the respect I deserve."

"You don't deserve my respect." I said, "And respect isn't just handed. It's earned and you damn well haven't earn it."

"Ethan, just leave." My mom said.

"I'm not leaving." He continued to yell. "I have a right to be here."

"No, you don't." I yelled back at him but then I flinched.

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