Chapter 19: Yearning For Love

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*Sam's P.O.V*

I finished having some lunch of leftover chicken and pasta and I pretty much have a chilled day for the time being.

Since yesterday, I had enough comfort provided by my dad and Miguel because of the recent argument that I had with Hawk.

Of course, I wouldn't tell them why I'm upset but they were there for me and I appreciated it.

I still thought about Hawk constantly but I hate this aching feeling that I had felt. I would remember the things that Hawk would say and it made me think. It made me think that maybe I shouldn't be crushing on Hawk.

But I can't stop. I fall for Hawk everyday.

I wish Hawk would fall for me.

Maybe it's too good to be true.

While I had thoughts in my head, Anthony came into the kitchen.

"Hey, I have a question for you." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought you and Miguel were over." He said with a confused look on his face.

"We are over."

"Then why was he here last night? Why did he have dinner with us? That doesn't scream you two being over."

I sighed, shaking my head. "Miguel and I are over. We're friends. Plus, he was just being there for me and you know dad invited him over for dinner. It wasn't my doing."

"But you didn't object it either." My brother pointed out.

If only Anthony knew about my crush on Hawk then he would get off my back about this Miguel situation.

"Again, Miguel and I are friends." I repeated.

I don't need to keep telling him this.

"Yeah." He let out a laugh. "Keep telling yourself that."

This is why I don't tell my family shit because they don't listen majority of the time.

Anthony then left the kitchen to go and play video games in his room and I was by myself.

I'm telling the truth when I say that my dad invited Miguel over for dinner last night. But that doesn't mean Miguel and I are together. We're friends.


"Thanks for driving me home." I said to Miguel as we reached my house.

"Of course, no problem." He said as we walked into the house and saw my parents in the kitchen, making dinner.

"Hey, guys." My dad said, "You're just on time. Dinner is almost ready."

"Perfect, I'm practically starving." I said.

The only thing that I really ate today was the breakfast my dad made and the chicken nuggets that I got from McDonald's.

"Miguel, why don't you stay for dinner?" My dad looked at the boy who was standing there, not saying a word as I stayed on the sidelines, listening to their conversation.

"Oh, that's okay, Mr. LaRusso." Miguel tried to refuse.

"Oh, we insist."

"Really?" Miguel asked, still unsure of the situation.

Can this be any more awkward? Well, at least for me?

"I really don't want to intrude." Miguel continued to try and refuse but my dad wasn't budging.

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