Chapter 128: Fearless

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*Sam's P.O.V*

Dinner came and went, silencing my thoughts as I would stay distracted. The fried chicken was crispy, making me melt into the flavors that was spreading throughout the kitchen.

Now I found myself cleaning the counters, and getting the dishes clean so that I can have a free evening to myself.

As I was drying a plate, I heard my phone vibrate letting me know that someone had messaged me.

Who? I don't know but I'm going to find out.

I dried my hands before going to where my phone was sitting perfectly on the kitchen table to see who sent me a message. I grabbed my phone and then looked at the screen.

My heart starting beating as I saw the name. It's Eli.

Eli💙: Hey, Sam. I want to tell you that I'm sorry for how I spoke to you at the beach. It was wrong and I feel extremely guilty about it. And I also want to tell you that I love you. I never stopped loving you. ❤️

My hands shook as I stared at my phone, Eli's message lighting up the screen. My heart raced, a mix of excitement and apprehension coiling in my stomach.

I knew deep down that he still cared about me, but why did he choose now to reach out? It's like he knows I've been waiting for him to say these things.

But instead of giving in to my curiosity, I decided to play it cool. I needed to distract myself, to keep my mind off that message.

So, I grabbed a book from the table in the living room and dove into its pages, escaping into a world that wasn't my own.

The characters and their stories consumed my thoughts, providing a temporary shield against the reality of Eli's words waiting on my phone.

As the book's words started to blur together, I shifted my focus. I scrolled through countless movie titles, desperately searching for something that could capture my attention and keep me from thinking about Eli.

Anything to keep my mind occupied, to prevent me from going down that rabbit hole of questions and possibilities.

But as the night wore on, the message gnawed at me, refusing to be ignored. The curiosity was driving me insane, tormenting me.

With a heavy sigh, I knew I couldn't resist any longer. I need to say something to Eli because this whole thing is driving me insane.

After reading his message again, I started to type and then I pressed send.

Me: I've waited a while for you to tell me that you still love me.

Me: But why now? Why tell me now?

I figured that Eli isn't by his phone so I might as well keep myself occupied until he says something else.

But it didn't take long for him to send me a message.

Eli💙: I'm telling you now because I'm no longer with Moon.

Eli💙: And because I couldn't keep my feelings inside anymore. I kept trying to deny them for awhile and it wasn't working. I figured that I might as well let my feelings out. You deserved to know what I'm thinking.

Me: I don't know what you want me to say, Eli.

Eli💙: Say you love me.

Eli💙: And then we can figure out what happens next.

Me: It's late, Eli.

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