5. Her Mole

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"Lee! I'm fed up of asking you this again and again! Why your older son is never present at the meetings!? He has not attended a single meeting in his life!" the man shouted, angry and disappointed "He will fucking run this business! He is the one I am supposed to trust to handle almost the half of my business, and he doesn't even know shit about anything cuz he is never here!" the man shouted, voice echoing in the huge hall.

A huge beautiful hall with shiny Red Marble floor, Black walls covered in Gold art works, giving the whole room a royal and fancy yet wealthy and dark look.

A big long Black Glass table in the middle of the hall, having 30 high quality Black Leather chairs around it, and a Big White Chair with golden royal handwork, placed at one end of the table. Two Black chairs with Silver works, slightly bigger than all the 30 chairs around the table, placed on the either sides of the beautiful White Chair.

The Phantom's Mansion. The Seo Family's Mansion.

The Deadliest Mafia's Mansion.

The Mansion currently filled with atleast 50 Leaders of different gangs under Phantom, some having the meeting with their Boss right now, and some waiting for theirs.

Mr. Lee looked down as the other gang leaders started to mumble under their breaths, some laughing ever so quietly. But even the quietest laugh was the loudest for him. Piercing his ears painfully.

"You and him are my fucking main roots, Lee!" Mr. Seo shouted, addressing the man sitting on his other side.

The Leader of The Jack White.

"His children have always been available for the meetings! Even when they were in schools or colleges! And you? Where is your other son!?" he shouted.

Mr. Lee just looked down, having no answer, embarrassment eating him completely, as a quiet apology left his lips "I'm sorry, Boss. I told him to come. I always do, but he..."

Being the Leader of the Main gang of the Biggest Mafia in the country, and being yelled at like this in front of everyone, even the low level gangs, was shameful and embarrassing.

"I don't want your fucking 'buts', Lee!" the older man shouted, slamming his hand on the table "The 'Future Leader of Venom', and most of the people here haven't even seen him once!" he said, taunting Minho's title.

"I want him here in the next fucking meeting! AM I CLEAR!?" he shouted, throwing a sharp angry glare at the man.

"Y-Yes. Yes Boss" Mr. Lee mumbled before bowing his head down apologetically.

Mr. Seo finally sighed "Ok, what's the status of the weapon exports this and the last month?" he asked, voice getting calm as he relaxed and finally opened the file placed on the table in front of him.

"It was good, Boss" a younger, confident voice came from behind of Mr. Lee.

Everybody looked in the direction of the boy who spoke and then opened their own files placed in front of them.

"The exports has increased about 5%..." Hyunjin started, voice dropping professional and clam "... Also, we finally were able to manufacture some, continuously imported parts, on our own, which will reduce our imports by 2%, resulting in a higher cost saving"

Hyunjin can be loud, arrogant and full of attitude at all the other times, but he was the most professional and concentrated when it was about his work.

He has been attending these meeting since the time he remembers. He used to sit on his Appa's lap the whole meetings. The time when Phantom's leader was Mr. Seo's father.

The time when a little Minho also used to come in these meeting, roaming around the hall like a curios cat.

When they all were small, everything was good and calm.

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