32. None

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"Bro, dad will teach you this three point shot by shooting it in your forehead if you will get late for this meeting" the man taunted, rolling his eyes as he leaned back on the grey wall.

"Can you shut up and let me concentrate!?" Hyunjin huffed and aimed at the target again after adjusting his shooting glasses and headset.

He tried again, and missed the last bullet yet again.

"It's so fucking hard!" he suddenly slammed his gun on the table on his side and groaned "How do hyung do this so easily!?" he complained puffing his cheeks.

"Maybe because the whole time we all were learning the business and shit, he was here, experting in every possible gun and shooting skill?" Changbin normally said, yawning a little right after "Now can we go to the meeting? It's in one hour and dad will eat me alive if we will not be there on time"

"Hm" Hyunjin pouted, finally removing his headset and glasses, sighing sadly.

"What happened? Why are you suddenly so passionate about learning this shot out of nowhere?" Changbin asked in confusion.

Hyunjin looked at the man and pouted even more "Hyung's birthday is in 2 months, I wanna surprise him" he admitted "He will feel proud on me if I got this shot" he pouted even more.

And a sudden wave of peace hit the older's heart, as his smiled at the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You really love him, don't you?" he said in a quiet and calm voice, making the younger smile and nod lightly.

"Should we leave? Hyunjin said the meeting is 45 minutes"

"This last wall, and then we will"

"Ok!" Minho chirped happily, not even wanting to go to the meeting anyways. He just wanted to be here, in this little house, forever with Jisung.

After 7 days, they finally got themselves on painting the walls today. For whole of the week, they could come here after their art class and either watch a movie, or take a walk together in the forest, talking about anything and everything.

It was all like a dream for Minho. A dream from which he didn't wanted to wake up ever.

And truly, even if it was really a dream afterall, he really would refuse to wake up ever again. He would stay happily in a dream where his hand was held by a warmer hand, swinging cutely ad they walked for god knows how long.

"Blue on this side, right?" Minho suddenly asked, picking up the paint bucket of baby blue colour from the floor, turning towards Jisung, who was painting the opposite wall as a very lighter shade of cream.

"Hm?" he turned around and nodded simply, turning back around to his wall, continuing his work.

And Minho pouted.

Minho loves everything Jisung do, except being serious. Call him childish or immature, but he don't like when Jisung goes all 'Hm' and 'Yeah ok'. But don't get jim wrong, he was not expecting the younger to be happy all the time, or smile all the time, or show emotions all the time, but what he do was expecting, was, 'Ok, baby'.

So he pouted and walked upto the younger, because oh well, if Jisung can go into the 'serious mode', Minho knows his ways to bring him out of it.

Jisung turned around when he felt Minho coming and standing behind him, and tilted his head questionably.

"What happened?" he asked in a normal tone.

"Nothing, just looking what you are doing" Minho shrugged, copying the same tone of voice, looking at him with same neutral face, looking at the half painted wall.

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