47. Minnie Hyung

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[20 Years Back...]

The little 3 years old boy smiled, happy giggles bursting his chest as he kept looking at the sleeping baby on his own little bed.

"Jinnie~" he whispered to the sleeping, months old, baby, booping his tiny nose by his own little finger, trying to wake the baby up to play with him again.


The boy turned around, looking at the door of his room when he heard his Appa calling him, and immediately got nervous when he saw the man standing at the door.


"Minho" the man called in a sweet scolding tone "I've told you, let Hyunjin sleep, baby" he scolded the little boy, smiling sweetly when he saw him standing with his head low, having a cute little pout on his lips.

"Sorry Appa" the boy apologized, finally looking up with a little... worried eyes?

Mr. Lee frowned as he titled his head, walking upto the boy "What happened, Minho?" he asked, crouching down to the boy, placing a clam hand on his head.

"Are you still angry, Appa?" the boy asked with as much innocence in his eyes as his voice.

And the man smiled. Slightly apologetic.

"Oh baby. Appa is not angry, and Appa is sorry for yesterday" he said, assuring his little son that it will never happen again "Appa will never shout on you again, my baby. He was just stressed and-"

"Is it because of that day, Appa?"

And the man's smiled slowly fell as he kept his hand on the boy's head, immediately lifting his smile up so the boy won't get worried again.

"Yeah.. because of that day" Mr. Lee muttered as he smiled "But don't worry, Appa will fix everything. Promise" he whispered, ruffling the boy's hair lovingly, immediately earning a sweet giggle in return.

His heart relaxed and eyes softened when Minho slowly walked closer to him and raised himself on his toes, stumbling in the process, before wrapping his tiny arms around his nape, hugging him as properly as his can with his little body.

"I don't like when Appa cry" the boy mumbled hiding his face in the man's nape "Appa... everything will be alright. Don't cry again..."

Oh how the man's heart ached. He didn't knew Minho saw him crying that day after coming back home from that chaos.

He slowly lifted his hands, hugging the little boy back, blinking the tears which covered his vision, and sighed shakily, hiding his own face in the boy's little nape "A-Appa will not cry. I p-promise baby" he mumbled, feeling Minho tyring to hug his tighter with all his strength.

"Appa will be strong. For you, for our little Jinnie, for Eomma. Appa will stay strong, baby"

"But I don't wanna go anywhere. I wanna play with Jinnie" little Minho whined pouting angrily as his mother made him wear a small jacket, before fixing his hair.

"We are taking you to uncle's house" she smiled at her son "To meet someone!" she chirped, seeing her son blink as her dumbly.

"Who? Who are we meeting?" the little boy asked, getting all excited suddenly.

"Someone new to this world"

He looked up when he saw his father entering the room, wearing his blazer, smiling lovingly at the boy.

"Someone new?" Minho asked, tilting his head in confusion, earning a chuckle from the man.

"Hm. You love Jinnie and how tiny and cute he is, right?"

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