34. Their Home

818 58 55

Trigger Warning

Graphic Violence (just a little)

: Love♡ :
// There were no flowers today also! //

The man chuckled reading the message and typed back.

// See, I told you. Whoever it was, he got scared because he probably saw you with me that day *flips hair* //

: Love♡ :
// Hyunjin, first of all, you DO NOT look scary, you look cute. Like actually cute. Ok //

He blushed a little, biting back his smile.

: Love♡ :
// And, how do you know it was a 'he'? It could be a girl? //

// Hm true, it could be *thinking hard* //

: Love♡ :
// Hyunjin! Stop doing that '**' shit and just send emojis! //

// But why...?? 🥺🥺 //

: Love♡ :
//... //
// You know what, just send the fucking emoji descriptions- //

Hyunjin laughed a little and was about the text back, when...


He heard Minho shouting from downstairs.

"COMING!" he shouted back, when he heard another message popping up.

He looked at the message that came, and smiled softly before texting back and immediately shoving his phone in his pocket, running out of his room right after.

: Love♡ :
// By the way, what have you saved my name as? I have saved yours as 'Hyunie' :] //

// Ohh, yours is just 'Seungmin' //

There were no flowers that rested on that wall to be picked up by that boy anymore.

Those Daisies have disappeared. Disappeared with the hope that died in Hyunjin's heart when he saw Chan kissing that boy's hand. When that boy sobbed 'I don't want anyone else! I want him!'. Every hope died in him.

But he didn't moved on. No. He just took a step to the side, letting his heart adore the boy from afar, allowing him to still fall for him, love him from a distance.

Giving himself a constant pain and happiness at the same time, trying to be a normal friend of the boy his heart aches to hold for.


Chan lifted his face up from the random article he was reading about thier private jet they were currently flying on to Vagas, and looked to his side to the younger.


Jisung bit his lips nervously "Did you... Did you knew about this?" he asked, blinking at his older brother with a nervous heart.

Chan frowned "This? What? I knew about what?" he asked, placing the article back on the table, and turning his attention completely towards the boy.

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