39. Truth AND Dare

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Was it awkward?


Jisung sat extra straight on the corner of the bed, placing his hands on his lap formally, looking around awkwardly, but mostly down.

And same went with Chan. Sat on the edge of the couch, posture straight in attention, keeping his hands over his lap, adjusting every now and then to not look informal in any way.

If not for Minho dragging Jisung in and making him sit on the bed, he also would've been sitting on the couch beside his older brother like they both have caused a sin or something.

It was Changbin's room. Their future Boss's. Oh hell it was awkward.

Specially when the other three men sat on the bed, well one of them laid upside down, his legs in the air, using his phone, completely unbothered by the tick air in the room, while the other two sat beside him, sighing, thinking of how to start a conversation and make these two brothers comfortable with them.

But before they could think any further...

"Uh, so..." Chan suddenly spoke, grabbing everybody's attention in the room "D-Did something happened, sir?" he asked, looking at Changbin nervously.

Maybe Changbin was upset about the answer he gave in the morning meeting today about their alliance?

"Is this, um, about the alliance thing?" he asked, clearing his throat in the middle "I'm sorry, sir I didn't meant to upset you, it's just-"

"My fucking god, have you ever heard the word 'chil'!?" and Hyunjin had enough of this.

Dude, it was 6 in the evening already, and he needs to get to Seungmin's house by 8, and these people were not helping.

So he rolled his eyes, going back to his phone, while Chan looked at him, blinking dumbly, all confused.

"I.. uh..." he turned back to Changbin "S-Sir I don't understan-"

"Changbin" Changbin corrected with a sweet smile on his face.

And Chan just blinked "H-Huh?"

Changbin chuckled "You are older than me, hyung"

And everything went silent for some seconds, just Chan and Jisung looking between Minho and Changbin with wide eyes, and then between each other. Before Minho spoke.

"Alright.." he said, straighting up a little, adjusting on the bed "Let's talk, yeah?" he said, and looked at Jisung sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Baby. Come here" he smiled, patting on the bed at the space in between his open legs.

Jisung looked at Minho and immediately got up without a second thought and climbed on the bed.

It was just dreamy how deeply he was gone for Minho. He forgets about everything when it's about Minho. He didn't cared about Fredrick and his pet back then, he doesn't care about Chan sitting in the same room. It was Minho. Just Minho.

So he went to the older and sat between the man's legs, crossing his own loosely, back facing him, shyly looking down.

"We called you two because..." Minho started, immediately shifting closer to Jisung and wrapping his hands around his waist tightly, placing his own chin on his shoulder, hugging the close "We want us all to be friends" he smiled "All of us"

And all Jisung did there, was smiled and blush in the man's hold, wiggling back a little to be scooped even closer and more comfortable into Minho's arms, refusing to even glance up at Chan out of this sweet embarrassment.

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