26. End It

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"So it was Minho...? All this time... That boy in your art class? It was Minho?"

Jisung looked down with a nervous heart, walking quietly, not answering Chan's words.

He thought Chan will shout, or mad, or atleast scold him a little, but instead, he was quiet and calm.

He was disappointed.

Disappointment was the last thing he wanted to see in Chan's eyes for him. But here he was today, walking besides the older quietly, hanging his head low.

"I... l-love him, hyung.." he quietly mumbled.

"Hm" was all he got as a response, as Chan continued walking past the corridor of 2nd floor quietly, avoiding all the chatters and music coming from the middle of the hall down.

The moment Minho stepped aside from in front of Jisung, he knew it was not a good idea to leave the two to talk to each other.

He knew Chan will never hurt Jisung, he knew he will not shout on him, he knew he will not create a scene, but still, he didn't wanted the things to be so crumbled and incomplete for Chan. For the very very least, atleast Chan has to know how things happend and he needs to listen what they feel for each other. He needed a clearance.

So he went to the best person for the situation.

The person who have called both the brothers to the Room 112 of the palace, 2 floors above from where the party was still going on.

"Hyung... Are you mad at me...?" Jisung asked in a small voice, finally looking up at the man.

He loves Minho, so he was not gonna say sorry for that, but he loves his hyung too, and he didn't wanted him to be mad at him. He wanted him to ask questions, know the situation and talk about it, like he always do. But Chan was quiet. Maybe because he was indeed mad, but didn't wanted to let it out on him? Or maybe because...

"I'm worried, Jisung" Chan said in the same small voice, finally reaching the room and sighing "I can never be mad at you..." he mumbled those words under his breath, before pushing the door open.

All the three men in the room snapped their heads towards the door, seeing the brothers walking in.

Chan walked in and stopped when he saw the man who called them, or say, ordered them, to come here, sitting in the middle of that oh so royal couch.

Their next boss. Seo Changbin.

"Good evening, sir" Chan said and bowed down, completely ignoring the presence of the two men sitting on the separate couches on either side of him.

"Evening" Changbin replied, standing up and gesturing Jisung to close the door.

Jisung bowed down before rushing back and closing the door.

He turned around and looked at Minho with worried and scared eyes, getting a tiny smile and a little comforting nod that 'don't worry, baby, it's gonna be fine' in return.

Chan glanced at the Lee brothers for a slightest second, before looking at Changbin again and bowing his head a little before speaking.

"May I ask why you called us, sir?" he asked, staying as professional and strict as always.

Changbin nodded, before sitting down on the couch again, gesturing Chan to sit down on the couch, beside Hyunjin.

Chan looked at the man, and kept staring. They all knew what he was waiting for, so Hyunjin quietly stood up and went to where Minho was sitting, and sat beside him, making rokm for Chan and Jisung on the other couch.

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