53. Sweetheart

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"Where are you going!?"

"None of your business, Dad" Minho muttered, as he kept walking towards the main door of there Mansion, ignoring man's calls.

"Minho! I'm talking to you!" Mr. Lee shouted, making Minho stop in his tracks.

"Minho..." a female voice echoed in the hall "Your father just wants you to be at home atleast on your birthday's night. You are out all the time now day-"

"And?" Minho asked in a bitter tone, turning around towards the couple "I'm out all the time, and?"


"Mom please. You have forgotten my birthday almost every year" he resorted "You wished me at 11 in the night last year. You didn't even asked me where or how I spent my birthday. Did I even cut a cake or no. So you atleast, leave it" he said, looking at his mother with bored eyes "And you..." he said, looking at his father.

And oh the silence that caught the hall.

' "It's my baby's Birthday, huh! Happy birthday my little champ!"

"Baby, I'm sorry for yesterday. Appa really is sorry Appa was stressed. Sorry. Happy birthday, my baby. Appa loves you, and Appa really is very sorry for shouting at you"

"Hey buddy, Happy birthday. Look I got you the markers set you were crying for. I promise I will never scold you for drawing, ever. I promise, buddy"

"Uh.. Hey. Happy birthday, Minho. I'm sorry, yeah?"

"Your gift is at the table. Happy birthday... buddy..."

"I'm sorry I was... busy... Happy birthday.. Minho"

"... Happy birthday..." '

Mr. Lee's lips might have stopped saying those sorries, but oh his eyes.

Mr. Lee kept starring at the boy, his eyes screaming those sorries that he hasn't uttered since years.

And a heavy breath left Minho's lips "I... I will return tomorrow morning..." he informed and immediately turned around, knowing that his dad has nothing to say to him.

There was just a thin string that was tying that communication between the two. That thin string of those bland 'Happy Birthdays' his Dad says to him as the first thing on his birthdays.

And they both doesn't want atleast that string to break.

"You think he will agree to help me?"

The younger chuckled "Yes hyung, uncle Hyun will help you in whatever. Tell him that you asked me, and If he won't belive, say 'I had a talk with you Little Sir'" Jisung giggled internally, stating the line.

"'Uncle?'" Chan asked in pure amusement through the other line "When did you started calling Minho's Butler as 'Uncle'?"

"The day I kissed Minho in front of him" Jisung smiled, holding the phone between his cheek and shoulder "Something happend that day. I got to know something"


"I will tell you, hyung. First I will tell Minho, then all of you" Jisung smiled, thinking of everybody's reaction when they will know.

"Ok then" Chan said with an audible smile "So I'll call him. Hope he says yes"

"He will. Don't worry, hyung. I'll be going now"

"Ok, but. Where are you? What are you doing?"

"I'm at my new shooting spot. I'm practicing Three Point Shot" Jisung informed "I need to defeat you to become the leader afterall" he teased, immediately making Chan laugh.

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