70. Epilogue ♡

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[Breaking News!]

The most powerful man, owner of several Casinos and rumored to be in the connections with and a part of the business of different Mafias, Fredrick Fischer, was shot dead in his own casino.

Fredrick Fischer was shot dead by a mysterious man in the broad daylight.

The man made his way in the Casino at without getting caught by the security and immediately took his gun out, shooting the man in the middle of his forehead, and vanished, not to be seen yet.

It has been said to be a Mafia rivalry.


"Regular, please" she told the waitress as soon as she entered the same cafe yet again.

This place now feels so comfortable slowly.

It has been an year. A whole year that she has been coming here, everyday, at the same time, still waiting for him.

She will not lose her hope. He said that they will meet.

She quietly walked towards her regular table by the window and sat down, sighing quietly.

She looked out of the window and smiled at the evening sun.

It has been an year. She misses him. She doesn't know to where he suddenly disappeared at. But she didn't knew why, she feels like... like he will come one day. She still had her hopes. She alway will.


She turned her head towards the voice and saw the waitress placing her coffee on the table in front of her with a smile.

She smiled at the girl and let out a little "Thank you". But before she couldn't look back outside...


She looked back up at the girl and blinked.

"Yes?" she asked in confusion.

The waitress smiled and suddenly pulled out a small package from the big front pocket of her apron and placed it on the table, beside coffee.

"Today morning when I came to open the shop, this was placed on the stair, leaning to the door" she informed, smiling at the girl "It has your name written on it. So I kept it to give it to you" she said and quietly bowed down, before walking away quietly.

Chaeryeong blinked at the waitress walking away and then down at the parcel.

A parcel, as big as a noval, a book, warped in brown paper, having a little note on top of it.

She blinked at the parcel as her heart suddenly started pouncing in her chest, feeling an uneasy feeling.

She quietly reached for the parcel with numb hands, picking it up and looking at the small note.

And oh how her heart stopped immediately.

"{ From Felix }"

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