8. This Boy

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The boy kept smiling sneakily at the older while sipping his coffee, blushing to himself.

Minho was cute.

No, really. He was so nervous sitting in this small cafe, looking around like...

"Is this your first time in somewhere like this? You've never been to a cafe before?" Jisung asked, smiling sweetly at the older.

A small cafe with a cozy and sweet atmosphere. Warm fragrance of the fresh breads being baked, and coffee being made. The cafe with off-white walls, chocolate-brown wooden furniture and sign boards hanging to the ceiling over the cash counter, filled with different coffee and pastries names written with white chalk, with a small board of 'Today's special' written on it in extra fancy handwriting.

Everything was so comfortable and fluffy, specially at 9 in the morning, with fresh air and warm sunshine outside.

It was like a lazy morning hug you smile burring your face into.

"Oh... um... y-yeah..." Minho admitted, lowering his head, clutching at his own cup with a small awkward smile, getting embarrassed that he was being visibly nervous.

He has never been to small places, coffee shops or cafes or any type of these places before. Not because he likes to act rich and wealthy or thinks of these places as cheap or anything like that. No. It's just, he never got a chance. He was the son of an underworld gang's leader. They don't walk on streets and roam around parks like normal people.

But he lives in these places in his dreams. He imagines what it would feel like to take your laptop and go to a cafe and sit there by the glass window, working and enjoying your coffee. What it would feel like to chit-chat with someone about your day while munching on a piece of cake. What it would feel like to complain about your mom shouting at you to your friend while sitting in a park. What would it feel like to spend a sunday evening walking down the street while smiling and bowing at old people taking their evening walks.

What would it feel like to have a normal life.

"Really? This is your first time in a cafe?" Jisung asked surprised, frowning slightly.

Minho smiled awkwardly "Hm... I've always been to places like hotels and restaurants and-"

"Wait... Are you like... rich?" Jisung suddenly asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

Minho looked at the boy dumbly and then smiled "Yeah... You can say that I think" he laughed lightly.

And the younger gasped "You are rich!?" he gasped out in shock "Are you like 'Rich' rich!?" he asked, trying to keep his voice as low as possible, because oh he got so excited all of a sudden.

Minho chuckled finally, getting a little relaxed "Hm. I'm 'Rich' rich" he replied with a sweet smile this time, raising his cup, taking a tiny sip of his coffee.

Where Minho was slowly starting to get comfortable in the atmosphere, Jisung was sitting there, staring at the boy with wide shiny eyes with a hand clasped on his mouth.

"So you mean I have a rich friend no-" he started but stopped when realised something.

"Wait..." he mumbled, grabbing Minho's attention "Are you uncomfortable here?" he asked in a genuine concern "We can go somewhere else if you are not comfortabl-"

"No..." Minho replied softly, quieting the boy down "I love it here" he smiled, tilting his head sweetly.

"I have always thought of spending time at these places but I was never able to. I like it here" he smiled.

Jisung blinked at the older, clearly hearing the tiny hint of sadness in his voice.

"You don't like the places you usually go to? Like, the big hotels and restaurants-?"

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