15. Love Me

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'Maybe in another life'

For getting a normal life, he told himself, maybe in another life.

For having a motherly love, he told himself, maybe in another life.

For getting his father's care and love, he told himself, maybe in another life.

For his little brother to love him, he told himself, maybe in another life.

And now, for his first love, he was again, waiting for an another life.

Everything. For everything he was waiting for an another life. So what's the point of continuing this one, no?

He slammed the door of the car open and got out, marching into the Mansion, visibly furious.

Hyunjin immediately got out of the car and ran being the man, worried about what happened at the meeting earlier and what must has happened after that to make Minho this furious.

"Hyung!" he called as he ran behind him to catch up.

But Minho was out of his senses, his thoughts, his sense of thinking calmly, were all clouded by the tears he saw in Jisung's eyes, the little sniffles his heard the boy let out, the broken heart he saw in those eyes he looked at him with. He was completely gone.

So he matched in the Mansion, thanking all the gods that his Dad left for Chicago instead of coming home tonight. Now atleast he can shout and punch the wall in his room in peace without requiring to answer anyone.

But the moment he pushed the door open...

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! JUST WAIT TILL BOSS COMES BACK FROM THE MEETING AND-" the guard suddenly quieted down when he heard the door of the Mansion open and turned around, and immediately bowed to the man.

"G-Good evening, sir" he greeted when he saw Minho enter and Hyunjin running in right after him.

For the first time, Minho didn't greeted back. He just looked around the situation with, what looked like, calm eyes, trying to understand.

There was a man kneeling on the floor in the middle of the huge hall, having bruises all over his face and body. Hands tied behind his back, as he hung his head low and panted quietly, almost whimpering in pain, with around 15 guards surrounding the area.

"What is going on?" Hyunjin asked, catching everybody's attention.

The guard bowed down to the man, before straighting up and speaking "Sir, we caught him in the storage of the Gunpowder Factory, and when we checked him, he had small explosives with him which he was going to use to destroy the large batches of Gunpowder which are almost ready for exports" he informed and backed away from the man on the ground.

"So basically a Rat, huh?" Hyunjin chuckled, looking at the man who was borderline crying. He took his gun out and was about to raise it and shoot the man dead when...

"He is... from Jack White, sir"

And Hyunjin stopped he moment he heard that name.

Jack White? So now they have fallen this low? Sending rats in the gang? Really?

But before anyone could do anything...


Everything went silent when that voice echoed.

They all were not used to hear the older son's voice in these matters. Whenever anything like this happens, Minho quietly goes into his room or even out of the house. So it was weird to listen Minho taking interest in this.

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