44. Only You

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"What? So sudden?"

"Hm. It's odd to me too"

"Hm... So um, are we like... going back?"

Jeongin chuckled when he saw that very very tiny pout on Felix's lips, and shook his head.

He titled his body a little to see past the man standing in front of him and saw a girl sitting on the park's bench with two burgers in her hands, waiting for Felix.

"I know you don't want to" Jeongin said, smiling softly.

Felix turned around, seeing Chaeryeong looking at the two burgers like she was resisting so hard to just tear the paper up and eat her burger.

"But I know we have to" Felix mumbled, pouting a little, turning back to the younger.

"No we don't"

And oh how Felix's eyes shined. This was what for Jeongin truly lives and breaths.

"We don't!?" Felix asked with a happy smile and shiny wide eyes as the younger chuckled and nodded.

"But just for some days" Jeongin said in a little strict, still loving tone "Let her know that you will be leaving the contury in some days, yeah?"

Felix smiled but still pouted a little. He didn't wanted to go from here. This was the first time he made a friend on a mission. He wanted to move here and stay forever. Go daily to that cute little, family like art class, keep doing this stupid senseless mission, gossip about Jisung and Minho's lives and relationship with Jeongin, and spend time with his new friend. But that was just stupid to even think about.

"7 days!" was all Felix said, before showing Jeongin a big toothy smile and immediately turning around and running to the girl.

Jeongin chuckled and smiled right after seeing the older happily skipping and hopping down on the bench beside the the girl, immediately earning a smack on his head and then the burger she was holding for him.

He was about to turn around and go home when...


He snapped his head up to the voice and saw Felix and Chaeryeong looking at him, smiling sweetly.

"You wanna join? We are going to the adventure park" Chaeryeong said, waving at the man.

Jeongin blinked for a second, before smiling "Nah, I have some work to do. You guys enjoy. Next time"

"Ok then" the girl waved and turned around.

Felix smiled at younger and waved at him, earning one back, before turning around and walking towards the park's gate.

Jeongin smiled looking at the two and immediately took his phone out when he saw Felix laughing loudly at something Chaeryeong said while munching on her burger.

He smiled widely as he took a small video of the two laughing and joking until they walked out of the park.

Jeongin smiled playing the video and sighed.

Does he also wanted to go? Maybe? But he wanted to let Felix enjoy his time too.

And he really actually had some work
to do.

Seeing the video for one last time, he closed the gallery of his phone and opened his contacts, searching for the number of his 'Manager', what Felix likes to call him.

"Hello? Boss?"

"Our job is done here. Wrap up the things and keep a check on payment"

"Oh? So... You both are coming back to Vegas?"

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