41. The Flower One

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Oh god, it was so uncomfortable. The air between the two brothers was too thick to even breathe. And why wouldn't it be, when your sweet little brother you baby all day, was pushed to the headboard of the bed and was kissed like... that, in front of you, why wouldn't the air be thick?

Jisung sat quietly and kept looking out of the window of the car, with his cheeks red with embarrassment, as their driver drove them to their house. It has been almost 20 minutes since they left the Seo mansion and oh god Chan and him has not spoken a word.


"So... um.." Jisung gulped when he heard Chan speak, slowly turning around to the man, ready for a good scolding. But instead...

"So, Minho is kinda... um... yeah..." Chan muttered, laughing awkwardly to the younger "You guys are a littl-"

"No! I'm not! I promise!" Jisung immediately restored, defending himself, raising his hands to emphasis his innocence "He is shameless! Not me, hyung! He even kissed me in our art class!"

Chan's eyes immediately winded "In your art class!?" he asked with a full shocked face "Like? In front of everyone!?"

"What! No! No no. No one saw, but still. He is shameless" Jisung complained, rolling his eyes and slumping back on the seat, crossing his arms over his chest "I always scold him for that" he said, and suddenly heard Chan laughing.

Jisung turned to the man and suddenly a little laugh left his lips as well.

And slowly the air lightened up.

"You guys are weird" Chan laughed, wiping the little tear drop from the corner of his eyes.

"I am not! He is!" Jisung said puffing his cheeks.

"No. You both are!"

The laughs slowly quieted down as they both smiled and chuckled looking at each other. Everything felt so nice, so light.

After a while of being in a comfortable silence...

"Hyung?" the younger called, looking at his older brother.


"Why didn't you told me about Seungmin?"

Chan turned towards the younger, seeing him looking at him with big eyes.

"I..." Chan smiled "I was so hyper when you told me about liking an outsider, atleast we thought so" he chuckled "It would be so wrong for me to do the same"

Jisung kept looking at the man, blinking, intaking everything and understanding his feelings.

"Yes I like... l-love him, and I shouldn't have took things this far when I knew it has no way ahead" he smiled "I can't make him my boyfriend, I can't-"

"I understand" Chan looked at the boy and saw him smiling at him softly "I understand, hyung"

He understands because he knew this feeling. Even when he thought of Minho being an outsider, he too couldn't stay away from him, he too let his feelings control his actions. He too was unable to stand strong against his own love.

"When you scolded me about Minho back then, I tried to take a step back, I tried. Really. But I just couldn't" Jisung said, as a sweet smile appeared on his lips, remembering the day "He just kept pulling me towards him and I..." he sighed "I just wasn't too strong to pull away"

Chan smiled looking at Jisung, seeing him smiling at himself.

"Even if I think about it now, I would've told him about who I am if he actually was an outsider" Jisung mumbled, looking down at his own fingers laying on his lap, imagining how Minho's fingers mould in his so perfectly. How he holds his hands, intertwine his fingers with him oh so carefully "I don't care if he would've left me after that, refused to even meet me for a last time, but I would've never lived with a guilt that I didn't said it. That he never got to know that I loved him. That how much I loved him"

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