68. Endurance

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He blinked at the floor numbly, deep in his thoughts as he sat on the edge of his bed, fully ready to leave, wearing a balck suit with a white shirt and black blazer, paired with black pants and properly polished black shoes, having as much authority and power in his appearance as weak and vulnerable his mind and heart had gotten.

He turned his head to his side, staring at his phone laying on the side drawer of his bed, and finally sighed, reaching for it.

He opened his phone, and called the same person as he does every morning, placing the phone onto his ear, listening to the ringing with lost eyes.


The moment that voice came from thr other line, he knew this call was going to the same as always.

"H-Hyung..." he spoke, straightening his back so he could get some strength for speaking further "Are you... c-coming today with me?"

"No Hyunjin. I have work-"

"Hyung you promised me last week that you will meet hi-"

"I'm busy, Hyunjin"

And tears immediately filled his eyes "Changbin hyung, please? It has been 4 m-months and you haven't even met him once" he almost cried, sniffling to control them.


"Hyung please!? You are being so selfish!" he cried in frustration "I know you don't want to see him in that condition and I know it will be hard for you, but it's just fucking selfish, ok! For once think about how much he is suffering and how much he needs us-"

"Hyunjin... I.. I have work. I'm sorry, I can't come" and the call ended, leaving Hyunjin feeling as helpless and numb.

"He will... eventually..." so he mumbled to himself, giving himself some shallow hopes, before wiping his face and getting up from his bed to go down.

"Dad?" he called as he knocked and entered his father's study, not waiting for him to answer.

"Dad?" he called again when he didn't got any answer and saw his father's chair turned around towards the wall.

He quietly walked in the room, reaching the man's table and walked around the deck, stepping in front of the man.

The man who was just staring at... god know what.

His eyes were so broken. So empty. So lost. So given up.

"Dad!" so Hyunjin called a little louder this time, making the man's eyes flinch just a little and blink.

He has been seeing his father like this for months now, and he himself was like this from the inside, so this behavior doesn't scare him now.

This was there house now. Since Minho left, the only thing left in this house, his huge beautiful Mansion was, emptiness.

This majestic white Mansion holds nothing but darkness in it.

Everyone was quiet. They do there work silently, not uttering a single word the whole day. It was just the loyalty and respect for Mr. Lee that held all of them here. Everything was just... destroyed. Completely.

"Dad..?" he called yet again, softening his voice, making the man weakly lift his eyes up towards him.

"Hm?" he asked, voice coming out almost inaudible.

Hyunjin sighed looking into those eyes which speak no emotions other than guilt now.

"Dad... Are you..." Hyunjin bit his lip nervously "Please meet him, dad" he pleaded, not wanting to cry again, just like every morning.

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