60. Lies

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"Fuck fuck fuck!" Chan mumbled under his breath, panicking, as he sat on the backseat of his car "I need to get there on time" he mumbled as his driver drove through the highway, to the address his dad sent him.

Jisung sniffled, still not recovered from the shock and stinging pain on his cheek. The pain he have felt for the first time in his life.

He stayed on the floor on his knees, hands ties behind his back, numbly staring at the floor as tears rolled down uncontrollably from his cheeks.

"So?" suddenly the man standing beside him spoke, an audible smirk playing on his face "Got to any solution of all this shit?" Mr. Han asked thr man standing in front of him, enjoying the evident panic and fear in his eyes.

"Say Wonny?" he smiled, tilting his head sweetly "Came to any solution?" he asked with the most dark and sarcastic smile on his lips.

Jisung blinked as he slowly looked up at his father's face, in his eyes, and oh he didn't knew this man. This was not his father. His father never had this dark look in his eyes ever. He was the sweetest, most caring person in the world. And this? Who was this man?

"Wonny? I'm waiting~" Mr. Han sang, and all Mr. Lee did, was push Minho completely behind himself, stepping in front of him.

"What solution you need, Jiho?" Mr. Lee spoke in a calm voice, oh but Mr. Han knew exactly what this calmness meant.

He was scared. He could see it in his eyes.

"There is nothing to solve here" Mr. Lee continued "It is not like something happened with force or threat, or because any of them wanted any information out on the other or wanted to destroy each other's family because of the dispute or something. They were in a relationship, got physical, it happened genuinely from both the sides" he spoke, finally looking down at Minho, seeing him looking at him with big eyes having tick tears in them, and then lifting his eyes, roaming them around the whole house.

"Look around yourself, Jiho, they have created a home for themselves" oh the sadness and guilt in his voice pierced Minho's heart "Just so they can stay with each other.... away from us"

The guilt that he destroyed the comfort and love in his son's life so much that he needed find another place in order to feel happy and loved was eating him.

"They..." he looked behind the man, towards the kitchen counter, oh how his eyes softened seeing Minho sliming so happily in that picture "They have a picture of themselves farmed, Jiho" he mumbled, seeing the picture they clicked at the park, having ice cream sticks in between their teeth.

He looked back at the man "There is no solution to come up with. Take your son home and do whatever you want, I will take mine. End this here. Whatever they did, whatever happened, will not happen anymore" he said, immediately feeling a tuck on his shirt and a small heartbroken 'Dad?' coming out of Minho's mouth, but he ignored it, compeletly.

And Mr. Han chuckled.

"You are dumb. Let me come up with the proper solution" he smiled "You kill my son, I will kill yours"

"Appa!?" Jisung let out with disbelief in his eyes.

"What!?" Mr. Lee let out, completely shocked by the man's words "What kill!? Are you fucking out of your mind!?" he shouted.

"I'm not out of my mind, Wonny" Mr. Han chuckled "You think I will ever take my son back in my house after he do this shit"

"WHAT SHIT!? THEY LIKE EACH OTHER! WHAT IS SHIT IN THAT!?" Mr. Lee shouted "If you wanna kill your son, do it. I'm not letting you touch Minho! Mind that, Jiho!" Mr. Lee said, tucking Minho behind him completely.

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