33. His Brother

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"Felix! Start packing! We are going home!" Jeongin suddenly shouted happily, listening to the still going on meeting.

Felix peaked his head from the kitchen, mouth stuffed with bread he was eating, as he titled his head in confusion "Huh?"

Jeongin looked at the man and passed a smile, before winking playfully, immediately going back on listening the rest of the meeting.

And Felix immediately realised.

"Wait-!" he suddenly shouted, jumping out of the kitchen "WE ARE GOING TO VEGAS!?"

"Ok so, here's the deal..." Mr. Seo continued the meeting "Fredrick has invited only you four to his Casino" he informed, addressing Lee and Han sons.

"For the people who are new here.." he started, clearly telling Minho to pay attention "Fredrick is currently our one of the most important dealers. He purchase arms as well as drugs, and on top of that, works as our supplier chain as well. He alone gives us 5% of our total business" Mr. Seo explained "He knows about this... mess" he said, addressing the rivalry "And so, he does not want to take a risk..."

All while Mr. Seo kept explained, Jisung kept looking at Minho as his heart got more and more nervous.

Why was Minho not looking at him? Not even glancing.

Was he mad at him? But why? Did something happen? Was he angry on him because of what happened outside? But nothing actually happened. Then what was it?

And it was obvious that Jisung, somewhere in his heart, fears of a situation. A situation where Minho would shout on him, take his anger out on him. The anger which will meant to be for his father.

Jisung knew Minho hates his father with his every nerve, and he fears, that one day, what if Minho said something so hurtful to him?

He didn't even smiled at him that time outside the Mansion, even when his father didn't even said anything, instead thanked him so politely.

And if Jisung was being honest, he didn't knew the reason Minho have so much of hatred in him for his father. He himself hates Minho's father, but that was simply because of what kind of a person he was, what he did in his past. Bu for Minho to hate his father?

There was literally no reason at all.

"Fredrick is not our very old client and he already has complained about this bitchiness your fathers shows when they both visit him at the same time, or has any business to do together, so he wants to see what is up with you all" Mr. Seo sighed, already seeing an even bigger mess in his head.

"He wants to know if he can expand the business with us a little more or no. And that will purely depend upon how you all get along with each other, and can work together or not"

Mr. Seo was frustrated. He wanted his money to grow, and Fredrick was the perfect string for it, but this hatred in his own Mafia is becoming a big hurdle now.

For all of these years, there have been many problems while growing the business. Because Mr. Seo always had to choose between either start a supply of weapons or drugs, because two grows ass motherfuckers can't work together with one deal like two mature people.

But when Jisung approached Fredrick 3 years ago, Frederick immediately asked to start a weapon supply as well, and when Mr. Seo tried to make him understand that they don't do both with one dealer, he immediately gave him a choice of 'either both, or none'. So Mr. Seo made Jisung and Hyunjin sit down and asked them, that if he hands this dealer' leads in their hands, will they be able of handle it with full professionalism, keeping their personal grudges aside, and turned out, they both didn't had any grudges to began with.

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