62. Your Name?

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His heartbeat kept racing as his breath got hard to suck in. He pressed his foot on the accelerator even more, speeding up the car.

He didn't knew why, he felt like something was wrong. Something was very very wrong.

He picked up his phone from his side and dialed a number, placing the phone onto his ear.

"Pick up. Please.." he mumbled to himself, his mind panicking and he didn't even knew why.

"Pick u-" and the call suddenly connected.

His heart felt a sudden relief when that tiny sleepy "Hm?" came through the speaker.

"Oh fuck" Jeongin took a breath of relief as he still continued to speed up his car, wanting to reach home as quick as possible.

"Y-You are ok?" Jeongin asked, heart still very sacred of something.

"Hm~" Felix hummed in his sleep, yawning right after "You are not home yet" he complained with a cute pouty voice, making Jeongin smile even in that panic his was in.

"Yeah I... I'm coming. Just on the way" he answered, not wanting to tell Felix what has happened just now. What he heard on his earpiece. He himself was not accepting it.

"Come quick, yeah? I'm craving Pizza. I wanna go out" Felix said, smiling sleepily.

And Jeongin's heart finally relaxed just a bit "Yeah... I'll be there in 20 mi-" he said but suddenly stopped in his words when he heard another call on waiting on his screen.

"Hey" so he called Felix "I will call you in a bit, hm?" he said, and immediately cut the call when he saw who was calling him.

He picked up the call and...

"You are not home yet~Boss?"

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU UP TO, FREDRICK!?" Jeongin suddenly shouted, blood boiling with anger and anxiousness. Something was really very wrong, and maybe for the first time, he actually was scared.

This was the first time Fredrick as ever talked to him like... this. With this attitude, with this tone, with this way.

So casual, so relaxed, in such a... taunting tone.

And he knew what was up. So he was scared for it to be the truth.

The man on the line went a little quiet for a while, before...

Letting out a tiny laugh, almost like a taunting chuckle.

"I just asked you that you are not home yet, bos-"


"You know... You should be home with him, I've been waiting for you since past one hour, but you had more intrest in those people. But it's ok, I can find you later"

And oh Jeongin's heart dropped. It was exactly what he was thinking.

Fredrick sold himself.

"Fredrick..." Jeongin called in a low voice, trying so hard to maintain himself, but oh the man on the call can hear that fear in it.

"Yes boss~?" he sang, taunting the man even more.

"Fredrick, what the fuck are you up t-?"

"You know exactly what I'm up to, Boss"

Jeongin sucked a sharp breath, chest aching with anxiousness "Fredrick... we have been working for years together..." he let out as his heart slowly tried to take in the betrayal "Why are you doing this? For whom-"

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