67. Never

639 58 114

[2 Months Later...]

He hummed a song happily with a smile on his lips as he leaned onto the wall of that small old apartment and waited outside the door.

It has been a while since he they met. Again. Two months to be precise. And to say Minho was living again, was definitely not an understatement.

He got him back? Really?

Maybe not in his arms now, but he was there. He walks on his side on their way home after their evening class. Maybe he couldn't kiss him now, but he sits in front of him in that small cafe for hours on their lazy Sunday afternoons, talking about random things.

Maybe he have forgotten him, but he was there. Minho was someone to him. Again.

He sighed as he blinked at his shoes and his smile slowly dropped.

He still have him by his side doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

When Jisung looked at him like he was looking at a stranger at that beach. When he sometimes hesitates to talk to him about his personally things, about his emotions. When he smiles at him like he does for any other person.

Jisung was there. But he was not his anymore.

And he didn't knew if he will ever be now.

It hurts when his heart reminds him of how this same boy used to jump in his arms once. This same boy used to cry in his chest once. This same boy used to sleep in his lap once. This same boy used to pout for his kisses once.

This boy was his once.

And now... he was just a friend.

Jisung was his world. He was Jisung's world. All they were to each other was just... friends... Someone they just knew.

But atleast he was there.

"I'm ready!"

He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door to his side open and the voice came.

He smiled when he saw the boy smiling at him sweetly.

"Let's go then?" Minho asked, forcing a smile back on his lips.


Another lazy Sunday afternoon. Their another walk by each other's side. Another day of Minho's heart stinging at the distance between them as they walked.

More than an year. It has been more than an year and he still was craving for that warmth of that touch. Of his love's touch.

The way Jisung used to cup his face whenever he cried. The way he used to hug him closer and closer whenever they slept. They way Jisung used to wipe away his tears. They way Jisung used to comb his hair to make him fall asleep.

But atleast, he was there.

"You went to your doctor?" Minho asked the younger in a small voice as they both walked down the footpath, both silently smiling at the subtle weather around them.

And the younger immediately pouted.

"I don't want to" he whined, making Minho frown in disappointed.

"But you need to see your doctor twice a week and you didn't went last time to-"

"First of all, he is a Therapist, not a Doctor" the younger said with a forced attitude, trying to change the topic, but...

"Same thing" Minho just rolled his eyes and looked back at the boy "Now tell me? Why did you not go?"

Minho didn't wanted to talk about this too much, Jisung has just started to open up to him. Just 3 weeks ago he told him how he goes to therapy twice a week after he was in an accident some months ago.

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