69. My Son

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A loud yet sweet and bubbly voice came, echoing through the whole Mansion, making the man turn around.

The man smiled and almost giggled at how adorable his little 3 years old son looked whole rasing his hands towards him like he was asking him to pick him up and running towards him, happily giggling.

"Baby!" the man called as happily. He crouched down a little before the boy could reach him and the moment he did, he immediately picked him up in his arms, holding the little boy securely.

"What happened, baby?" he asked, booping the boy's nose with his finger, feeling him clutch at his shirt to stay still and scrunch his nose at the action.

And immediately pouted.

"Hey, what happened?" the man asked, clucking lovingly.

"I w-wanna come with you, A-Appa!" the little boy whined and pouted even more, making the man shake his head with a smile.

"Minho, Appa is going for work. You can't come with-"

"NO! I WANNA COME WITH YOU!" the little baby cries, trashing in his father's hold, clutching at his shirt tightly "I WILL ALSO WORK! I WANNA COME WITH YOU!" he cried even more.

"But baby-"

"Take him with you" Mr. Lee suddenly looked up when he heard his wife say, and saw her standing there with Minho's little hat which he wears when he goes out and a tiny water bottle in her hands.

"You are going to the orphanage, not Boss's Mansion. Take Hyun with you, he will look after Minho" she said with a smile, already taking Minho from the man's hands and crouching down, making the boy stand on his feet "He has been missing you since days" she complained "You just returned from Russia yesterday and now you are again busy. Give your dear son some time" sje said, putting the hat on Minho properly and the water bottle over his shoulder.

"Come on, love. Appa will take you with him" she chirped to the little boy, clapping her hands.

Minho immediately turned around towards his Appa and raised his hands, asking to be picked up, looking oh so cute and adorable.

And all Mr. Lee could do, was laughed and shake his head at the sweet stubbornness of his wife and his son. Oh he loves everything about his life.

"Yes yes. The food is almost ready and will be served in some minutes. Yes"

Minho looked up to his father talking to some lady, as he held his father's finger in his little fists, with his own finger of his other hand on his mouth, as he looked around with curious eyes.

"You are really generous, Mr." the lady bowed her head to the man "All the children here will always thank you for this day" she smiled with gratefulness in her eyes.

"Oh don't say that. You or any of these little sweethearts don't have to say any thank you to me" Mr. Lee smiled "Somewhere, this was my duty in my heart" he said, clutching at his sons little hand.

The lady smiled and nodded, before looking down at the boy and smiled "And who do we have here?" she asked in a sweet tone, and Minho immediately looked at her and hid being his dad's leg, blinking at her nervously.

Mr. Lee chuckled, placing a hand on the little boy's head "This is my son. Minho. He is a little shy" he informed, patting at boy's head lovingly.

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