35. My Man

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Trigger Warning

Graphic Violence
• Blood
Contain mature/sexual scenes (not smut). Anybody who feels uncomfortable with such stuff can skip whenever you feel like

"Oh come on~ One drink won't harm you~"

Minho chuckled and shook his head a little "No thank you. I don't drink" he said, being as polite and light about it.

"God you are boring" Fredrick rolled his eyes "You don't gamble, you don't drink. Weirdo" he commented, making Minho and everyone around the table, laugh.

It has almost been 1 hour. 3 in the night and this Casino was as crowed and awake as day.

All the people around were playing loosing money, winning stakes, getting murdered for the slightest cheatings. This place not even once lost its show. No doubt Fredrick is so full of power in himself.

And even, it seems like this was the most active hour of the night, because now there were entering some ladies. Some ladies with extra short cloths. There were make out sessions or even open sex happening in the booked private corner bars of the Casino. Seems like this was that cheap hour of this high class place.

And they all were tired. Since that little meeting ended, all Fredrick has been doing, was dragging them all over the Casino, making them play different games.

They lost some, won some, and all this while, Minho just stood behind Jisung like a lost kid, hanging on his shoulder, asking all the random questions popping in his mind.

From afar, if anyone would be looking at Minho would've thought that he was giving Jisung directions to play the game with that oh so serious, scary, face.

But in reality...

'What's this game called?', 'How do people even cheat in this?', 'You gamble so much money!?', 'What is happening over that table?', 'You know how to play all these games?', 'Can we go now?', 'I want a kiss', 'But you said that was the last game!?', 'Jisung I want a kiss!'.

Jisung didn't knew what aura suddenly covers Minho when he goes 2 steps away from him, because oh he couldn't even recognise the Minho who was talking to Fredrick some hours ago. It was like, he was a completely different person.

But the moment they all stood up from that table, walking back in the middle of the Casino, Minho immediately rushed and came behind Jisung, and clutched at his arm, sneakily holding his blazer in between his one finger and thumb, mumbling a tiny "I don't like this man!" quietly in his ear.

And Jisung swear he could hear the pout on Minho's lips.

"If you lose this one, I will get five kisses!"

Jisung lowered his head, biting back yet another smile when he heard the older mumble in his ear.

Only Jisung knew how he has been controlling his cooing smiles and giggles at the things Minho was saying in his ear. Minho was such an adorable soul. It was like, he doesn't spend a single second without the thought of Jisung in his mind and heart.

"You will lose this one!" Minho mumbled, eyes focused on the ball that was rolling around the numbers "My five kisses!" he said, crossing his fingers behind his back.

"And! And.... AAH! MR. HAN JISUNG AND MR. SEO CHANGBIN WON! IT'S NUMBER 4!" the croupier of the table announced, taking the tokens of all the losing parties and giving the winning tokens to the two announced men.

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