64. The Boss

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[6 Months later...]

"One col-"

"Cold Coffee?" the waitress spoke, completing the girl's sentence before, already knowing her order, smiling at her.

The girl blinked for a second and nodded ever so lightly, letting out a quiet "Yeah...", smiling and looking down.

The smile which was so disheartened.

Six months. It has been six months and she still was waiting. Everyday, at the same place, same time they agreed to meet on.

' "Okok, now listen. Tomorrow 6 pm, done?" '

She sighed and lowered her head as her heart sank at the memories once again.

She looked down at the cookies she bought from home, and blinked, heart clenching in her chest painfully.

' "Ok then. My mom baked some cookies for you" '

"Ma'am?" she suddenly bursted out of her thoughts and looked up when she heard someone call her.

"Yes?" she asked when she saw the waitress standing in front of her.

The girl smiled "Ma'am, are you waiting for someone?" she asked "You are coming here daily, for months. And you look really down? Can we help you in any way?" she asked politely, with a genuine care in her voice.

Chaeryeong blinked at the girl for some seconds, before she registered the tears that formed in her eyes and immediately looked down in an attempt of hiding them.

"N-No, it's just... I'm ok" she mumbled, noy wanting to speak any further.

"Are you sur-?"

"Yes I'm sure.. I'm ok..."

' "Chaeryeong? Baby, you are back?" the lady smiled, placing down the plates she was setting up on the dinner table, and walked to her daughter "Did you guys liked the cookies?" she asked happily.

The girl on the other hand, just sighed with saddened written on her face "He didn't came.." she answered, putting the untouched cookies on the table.

"Didn't came?" the lady asked in confusion, titling her face "You called him? Maybe he was a little late?"

"I waited for 2 hours there, mom. And I called him too. He didn't answered. I don't kno-"


She suddenly stopped in her words and swiped her face around towards where her dad was watching the television.

"T-That's... That's your art teacher, right?" the man asked with wide eyes, pointing at the screen.

The girl frowned and walked upto her father and looked at the screen, and oh how her heart stopped.

She clasped her hand over her mouth when she saw the news showing Mrs. Julie's dead body with a gunshot wound on her head '

It has been 6 months to that incident, that day when she and Felix were supposed to meet in this same Cafe, and since then she still had a very bad feeling about Mrs. Julie's death and then Felix just disappearing like this.

She tried to call her again and again. She went to the art class almost every day in the morning, at the times their class used to start, just in a hope that maybe he will come there.

All she was scared of was, was he ok?

Not even for a second a thought that he might have done something crossed her mind. She was just scared for Felix. She misses him. How can he just disappear like this.

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