46. Just Some Days

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"Everything is removed?"

"Hm. Dude took off and disconnected all the microphones in his Mansion he placed and all. And all the transmitters planted in their phones and all the other systems we hacked are disableded" Jeongin informed, wrapping the wire around his hand, closing all their system and keeping everything inside.

Felix rolled on the bed, all bored, scrolling through is phone "So there is nothing to do for 7 days now?" he asked "Like, we can keep and eye on them just for fun, if not listening to them, atleast?" he complained, pouting a little while looking at the younger.

Jeongin chuckled, shaking his head lightly. He loves the part of their missions where Felix acts like he was rookie and whine about having a look on their targets forever because now he was so interested in their lives.

"Can't we like, you know, sneak in and hide a microphone and camera in that forest house of these two? I wanna see if they would fuck before we leave" he giggled, passing a cute innocent smile at the younger.

Jeongin laughed a little, finally closing his 5th laptop and putting it in its bag.

"No" he simply answered as if he was scolding the older to not whine about something that was not gonna happen in any way.

Felix rolled his eyes, going back to his phone, grumping cutely, making the younger chuckle.

"Oh by the way.." Jeongin suddenly spoke, straighting up and stretching a little "You missed their sex"

And Felix's eyes immediately winded as a loud gasp left his lips. He hurdily turned aournd to the younger, almost falling off the bed in the process.

"You still have bugs on them!?" he asked in pure shock.

He have always been jokingly grumpy about spying on their targets for some time after their work is finished, but Jeongin has never agreed to it before, saying it's unethical and is considered cheating with their Boss aka their clients for the mission. So, what happened this time?

Jeongin chuckled and nodded "Hm. You are gonna be out for most of these 7 days with your 'girlfriend'.." he taunted teasingly "And I'm gonna be all alone and I don't wanna get bore-"

"Chae is not my girlfriend" Felix said, rolling his eyes and making a fake annoyed face.

"Chae~" Jeongin teased yet again, immediately earning a kick on his back from the man on the bed, as he laughed at hkm even more, earning another kick.

"No really" Felix slimed "She is a really good friend. I wish I could keep in touch with her forever" his smiled slowly showed a slight pain "But I will not leave her hanging. I will tell her that we will never meet again and I will give her a goodbye gift too"

Jeongin smiled looking at the man and sighed "I wish I could make a way for you to keep a friend. Or even her, I don't care" he mumbled, earning a pity smile from the other.

They both stayed like that for some seconds, lost in their own thought when...

"So they fucked?" Felix suddenly asked with pure curiounes in his voice, causing Jeongin to make a judging face at the older and laugh.

"Yeah, like an hour ago" he simply answered.

"Oh..." Felix let out and then again went silent, before "So how was it?"

"DUDE!" Jeongin shouted in disgust like he was already expecting or even waiting for this question.

"WHAT!? I WANNA KKOW! Did you atleast record it-"



Their little fight suddenly got disturbed as they both swiped their heads towards the door when they heard a knock on the door.

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